16 | gold

256 51 36

when they asked her what her favourite colour was

she would always answer with gold

and it wasn't because of it's metallic glare in the sunlight

or it's metaphoric use with a pure heart

no, it wasn't any of that.

it was because it was a symbol of power

it was because it grabbed your attention

and none of them knew just how so badly she desired that feeling

like she was everything

like she meant everything

but one day they will know

when she becomes gold

and everything she touches becomes gold

before fully solidifying into a statuesque shape

never to breathe again.

um yeah so i wrote this. it's a guess sort of a sneak peek of my new poetry book, 'crystallize.' so if you want to check it out, go ahead. 

thank you for #65 in poetry, hopefully we can get higher with all your support. my ultimate goal for this book is 10K and top 20 in poetry, so we're 75% there. i would love if we got it by end of the year, but i doubt it. if you can, i'll love you forever if you let a fellow poet writer/reader about this book if you think they'll like it.

sorry for the longish authors note x

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