temporary bliss

139 27 60

bliss: perfect happiness; great joy

one hand on my frail arm                                                                                                                                                    the other covering my drooping eyes                                                                                                                            as we walk further and further away                                                                                                                            from the place we used to called home;

the giddy smile filling my mouth disappears                                                                                                      once our feet are tired, backs hunching, wrists dangling awkwardly;                                                      but we still endure the harsh winters and sweltering summers                                                                  his hand still covering my eyes; soft encouragement spilling through his lips;

a place where we will be happy, he speaks                                                                                                              a place where all our dreams will come true

i wonder if he knows that my eyes aren't shut                                                                                                         i wonder if he knows i'm peering through the gaps in his thin fingers                                                           i wonder if he know i don't believe a word he says anymore

 dried up concentric circles and bruised sand dunes                                                                                    unkempt sand and tufts of pale malnourished grass amongst us

is this what he meant?

the hot sun blushing against my mostly bare skin                                                                                                  as we walk and walk                                                                                                                                                          or is it burning me? i can no longer tell                                                                                                                       

they're commanding me to s t O p, just let me go ----

please, please, please                                                                                                                                                  spare me from your unintentional spider-like web                                                                                          because you have made me rot                                                                                                                                      you have made me a disgrace                                                                                                                                          you have made me wish for the impossible

and yet here i am, waiting for our demise.


okay. so it's been FOREVER since i've updated. by that i mean almost 5 months. and i am so, so sorry. i cannot express my sorrow enough. i hope you all understand (if you don't, that's okay, too).

truth is, i've been trying to come up with a decent poem for you guys since march, but none of them have come together like this one. 

i would love your interpretations of this poem: what do you expect to happen to them? let me know in the comments, i love hearing your thoughts! 

note: i think it is time to end this collection soon. shall i create another one? or would you all wait for my new novel? or both??? i am terribly indecisive. please let me know!

love you all, and thank you -

senuri x

p.s: im sorry if the format is all wrong - my computer doesn't seem to order it properly.

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