letting go

308 84 47

{mellifluous: a sound that is sweet and smooth, pleasing to hear}

every time I saw
your face
my heart used to

but now,
after time has passed,
my heart has healed.
it no longer feels
for you.

your unforgivable mistake,
that made me realise
what I had wasted myself on.
instead of being myself,
I changed myself
for you,
and let my heart suffer
the consequences.

now I know,
my lesson learnt.
I will never
change my self,
for anyone,
even if it means
letting go.

a rather sad one – but with a special meaning that I hoped you understood. never change yourself for anyone. your special person will love you just the way you are. friends are included in this as well! you may not be perfect, but you are beautiful, special and worth it. just saying 💕
- senuri

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