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i know how you are feeling -

the gradual but seeming eternal pain of the walls of the world caving in and pressing you to your demise 

the burning sensation of the pain, like drug you keep tipping to your lips, the end of a sugar rush, the once-found energy starting to dissipate out of your system  

you imagine yourself as air, floating around, just existing - desperately digging in already searched places to find your purpose in life, to find the answer to the question that is constantly at the back of your mind. 

but my dear, you are air - and be proud of it.

without air, we couldn't survive, and without you, some of us wouldn't survive either.

not everyone you meet is going to think they need you, and maybe they don't. 

however, we have family and friends for a reason.

the tricky thing is to sort people into two main categories - people you truly care for and they you, and people who don't,

so many of us fail to realise that the person we fit into one category really doesn't belong there. 

and when you have this constant feeling of pressure and wants and needs from others pushed onto your shoulders, your mind tends to do things quicker - and sometimes more inaccurately - in order to fill everyone's and your expectations.

so you need to breathe.

listen to the steady beat of your heart,

let all your worries escape you however you wish -

and i cannot tell you how to, but you do.

because you know you.

even if you only have a couple of minutes, don't waste it.

because your mental health is important. 

wow. 10,000 reads. how. 

thank you all so much! i can't believe so many people would give my book a chance and help contribute to this number. you have made me the happiest bean <3

also, sorry for this unorganised poem - i didn't want it to be structured. i just wanted it to carry an important message.

- senuri x

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