15 | butterfly

366 93 67

{epoch: a particular period of time in history or a persons life}

the gentle motion in the air,
as the newly born butterfly releases from its cocoon.
it tries to fly,
but soon realises it can't.

the mother comes,
happy and eager to see her little baby.
excited to teach it about life,
and it's obstacles to cross.

the butterfly cannot fly,
at first.
but with a little practise,
the hardest problem in it's life becomes it's easiest.

new troubles arise,
with the storm taking away it's mother.
before she could
show it the wonders of life.

the butterfly must now tend to itself,
with the father long gone.
but how can its mind adapt,
when it hasn't been

enjoyed writing this one immensely. tell me what you thought in the comments! love you all,
- senuri

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