true beauty

189 52 75

the cool breeze in the morning
as you sit down for coffee
the glorious sight in front of you
nothing else can compare

'It's just a view',
muttered the child.
'I see much more beautiful things
on the internet.'

she stood up, and looked into the child's eye.
'you might see more on a screen,
but what's the point
if you don't get to experience it
in your very own eyes?'

he came onto the balcony,
hearing the converse
and said
'look at the sea, my child.
do you see the slight splash of the waves?
do you see the sand washing onto the shore?
that's true beauty. never forget that.'

and with that, he took off.
the child and she stood there,
mesmerised by the true beauty of the sea.

the child now understands.

ohmygosh!! we reached #88 in poetry! that's H U G E ! thank you all for the continuous support in my first poetry collection. (hopefully they're getting better). ❤️🎉


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