the captured auction

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       Drugs course through my veins, delaying my reactions and shutting down my wolf entirely

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       Drugs course through my veins, delaying my reactions and shutting down my wolf entirely. Things move in slow motion, and as hard as I try to collect myself and gather enough strength to even think straight- I can't. Even bending my arm is more effort than it should be.

My eyes flicker around the ice cold room. Nothing but metal bars separates me from other- just as drugged- females. I try to yell, to ask where we are, but nothing. I feel my lips move- yet nothing comes out.

With no luck, I tiredly rest my head against the bars. The things coursing through my veins is draining me of the little energy that I have left. I ache. Yet- at the same time, I feel like I'm in heaven. I can't keep my eyes open, and eventually my mind goes blank. Leaving me in complete darkness.

I wake up to a tapping on the metal. My brain works faster than my body and it takes me awhile to be able to even open my eyes to look at what's making the sound. If it were someone about to kill me, I would have been dead and buried by the time I saw who it was.

"Your mate, he's going to be one pissed off son of a bitch when he finds out your missing." He shakes his head. I've seen him before. I just can't exactly put my finger on it. However, he is too familiar.

"He's a strong dude. He's pretty rough in bed with you too, right? I'm sure you can take it." He says. I feel dizzy as the drugs begin to wear off. I am quiet. My mind is focused on what's best to keep me alive so I can go home to my mate and daughter. I have so much to yell at him, but I'm physically unable to and that may just get me killed.

"Please don't take this personally, Mrs, luna. I just need the money." He says. I only furrow my eyebrows even more. He could have just asked me for money.

I stare at him, taking in all his features. His jet black hair, his pointy nose, the gaged ears and the piercing on the left side of his lip. I let his voice pierce my ears so that I can remember the way it sounds. Just like nails on a chalkboard.

"I've got to go, and you have a stage to get on. I hope you're not too picky on your men, because I can't promise you one that you'll like will purchase you." He winks. "I just hope you're actually worth something to them- more than you are to me."

My stomach churns with a sickness from his sentence alone. Purchase? Me? Through the burning drugs, my mind begins racing. Where the hell am I?

I can hardly even remember where I was taken from. The restaurant? No. The gas station? No. The baby stor- my heart shatters. Everything returns to me. Gloria and I, shopping for Rayanne. She's expecting. Will I be there to hold the baby?

I clench my teeth together as two men walk up, catching me off guard. My eyes flicker between the two adults. Neither of them are full blood werewolves. They smell too much like humans. Or- maybe it's because they live near humans. If I could just see outside...

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