13.5 Avoidance

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Naya's P.O.V. 

Red Mount 1990.

"You know Ocean's been looking for you like a headless chicken." Jace chuckled making me nearly choke on air.

"Yeah he caught me alright..." I rolled my eyes while we walked out of the class.

"Why have you been avoiding him lately?" His question startled me for a second.

"I wasn't... just been busy." I lied. "Plus, he's annoying and I don't like him." I quickly added making him smile. To my relief he didn't interrogate any further until we reached the cafeteria for lunch when Jace stopped in his tracks, blocking me.

"Just hear him out okay?" He threw a statement towards me before picking up the pace to join the others'. I made my way to greet everyone before I took my place opposite Lea, before digging into my homemade pasta.

"I wish I'm his mate." A familiar annoying voice reached my ears and it made me want to rip her throat out due the fact I knew exactly who she was talking about.

"Talking about red butt baboons, where is the future alpha?" I questioned with an amused voice. "That ape never misses his lunch..."

"I actually don't know, he wasn't there for last period." Isaiah, the pack doctors' son informed making my heart stop for a second. Just as I was about to take get up to go look for him, the cafeteria doors opened sending a very familiar musky sent around the room.

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear." I mumbled under my breath and everyone chuckled knowing our mutual hatred.

His eyes still haunted me from the last time we made love, he made me feel like each time was my first time. Sometimes, he stared at me with so much intensity that I could physically feel his emotions. Which, I definitely wasn't supposed to because only mates were capable of doing that. However, those weren't the only times I felt his emotion or he felt mine.

"What if Naya was your mate?"

"WHAT?" I shrieked out in confusion, before processing exactly what Isaiah said.

"Chill, I said what IF?" He put his hand up in surrender position before I ripped his head off.

"Why, is it that bad to be my mate?" Ocean's voice reached my ears. Slowly turning my head to meet his amused and somewhat saddened eyes, I answered with a smirk.

"Mates are for wolves not baboons."

"Oh please, I feel sorry for anyone who'd be your mate." He tilted his head slightly taking a large bite from his hamburger, keeping his gaze locked with mine. How can someone eating turn you on?!

"Really? And why is that?" I challenged him putting a hand my hip nearly elbowing Ethen during the process, who was sitting next to me.

"Because you're restless and you never listen, you're mouthy and the list goes on." He smirked wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

Before I could retaliate, the annoying minion spoke up "I'm totally not like that..."

"Err... No thanks." He disgustedly dismissed her before turning towards me again. One thing I always respected about him is that he never humiliated me like that in front of a crowd. Yes, we always had our usual argument and teased the life out of each other but never with any malice. Sometimes our arguments turned into heavy make out sessions later on.

"So what are you doing for your birthday?" Lea asked.

"Nothing." He answered looking down at his empty tray.

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