Chapter 11: A guard needs to train

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Chapter 11: A Guard Needs to Train

"Try to shoot the aim." Greg commanded me as he pointed on the target. I extended my arm and tried to imitate what I knew about archery. I tried to focus on the bull's-eye then released the arrow's tip.

"Wow." Greg exclaimed. "Never have I seen someone with a very bad aim." He was insulting my aim on the outermost circle of the target.

"At least I tried." I replied and snatched another arrow. "Watch me try again." I confidently posed and tried to focus one more time on the target. I can fucking do this! I am a very skilled fast learner.

"Pffft. That's even worse than the first one." He commented. The arrow is now staked on a nearby tree far away from the target.

"Welp. That's it, I'm bad. I should be back to bed. At least I'm good with sleeping." I tried to walk out but he grabbed my collar nearly choking me.

"You're not going anywhere peasant. Grab the bow and try again."

I cursed to myself. "Nya nya nya nya." I muttered to myself.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing Your Highness." I replied and smiled while insulting him through the grit of my teeth.

I tried to pose again but he interrupted me by holding my hand on the apparatus.

"You're doing it wrong." He was now on my back and I can feel his warmth that radiates to his body. His warm breath almost tickled me as it touches my neck. "Stand straight." He instructed and positioned my body touching my shoulder and back.

Here we go again. My heart is beating wildly. I can't breathe properly. I feel like I am not getting enough oxygen. This is an alarming symptoms of a heart disease and it's getting worse.

"Close your left eye and focus on the target. Now aim on the center circle. You see that? Direct your gaze to the aim." He was talking beside my face above my right shoulder and it's making me nervous as hell especially when our eyes meet. My knees began to shake and I can feel it breaking any time now.

I can totally hear my own breathing. My mind is now disoriented and can't focus on the situation. He was doing some hand signals while looking at me in the eye. The closeness is making me uncomfortable.

"Are you okay?" He asked me apparently hearing my exaggerated breathing.

"Yes. I'm fine... Just.. Just stay away from me." I quivered.

He followed my command and stepped back away from me and crossed his arms.

"Let me see you try."

I calmed myself and took a deep breath before releasing the arrow.  I crossed my fingers and hope that it will hit the bull's-eye. It seems like God heard my prayer and that it went straight to the center.

"Oh yeah!" I jumped with joy and almost hugged the prince with excitement until I realized that I would hug the spawn of Satan.

"I told you so. Learn from the expert." He scoffed. He was flattering himself as usual.

"Yes. I learned from my mistakes which way to go♪" he frowned. This prince was surely raised with extravagant adulation.

"Then I think you should try swordfighting." He said with a grim smile on his face.

"Hey! Hey! Don't you dare throw that sword at me! I know what you're thinking but murder is a sin!"

"Even though you're Satan, the Lord of evil." I whispered so that he can't hear it.

"It's not a sin if I help God to eliminate the cause of destruction in the world."

"Just shut up okay! I'll take it." I grabbed the sword from his hands before he would throw them at me again.

It was heavier than I imagined. How can they fight each other with a heavy piece of metal? It was also depicted in paintings that even Joan of Arc who was a woman, was holding the sword with one hand while riding a horse.

"Are you ready to die peasant?" He asked me as he put the tip of the sword to my neck.

"Not if you die first you snob!" I lifted the sword with all my might and that's when our swords began to clash. Clink. Clank. Sssscchk. Wow. I feel like the knight fighting with a dragon in classic fairytales. But actually I'm fighting with a monster and his name is Prince Gregory IV.

"Ah shit!" He mumbled and let go of his sword. He was holding his abdomen and that's when I saw blood. Oh shit. I didn't mean to hurt him but I don't recall pricking him.

"Are you alright?" I asked him.

"What do you think Sherlock?" Even though he's hurt he just can't seem to stop being sarcastic.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to—"

"You didn't do this. Your skill is shit." He retaliated. He lifted his shirt and that's when I saw his wound from the previous gunshot. Apparently he was moving strenuously that the bandage was not in place and that some stiches was loosened. Yikes. To stop myself from further looking at his disgusting wound I decided to admire his well tone abs instead. I hope that's not creepy.

"Take me to the infirmary. Quick!" He wrapped his muscled arm on my neck and he was heavy as hell!

"Oh not again." I rolled my eyes and supported him again for the nth time. But still I can't help myself from smiling for no god damn reason.

"Why the fuck are you smiling? You think this is fun? I would be happy to stab you in the chest." He was being bitchy what's new about that?

I didn't respond. I was actually enjoying his warm body on me.

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