Chapter 3

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I dedicate this chapter to KAIDEC thank you so much for helping me :)

Hey guys here comes the third chapter

I’ll be uploading my chapters real fast; I hate to keep you guys waiting

Stay tuned :)

vooooooootttttttteeeeeeeee please and comment please

Where am I? Why is it so dark here, “Hello is anyone there???” Gosh what is this place, where is everyone?  “Mom? Ken?  Please someone answer me please” I cried.

“Hello my Love” someone said.

“Who is there” I asked in a worried voice. No one answered, I was starting to get panic, I was scared I wanted to go back to my home to my room I had no idea how I ended up here I don’t remember anything last thing I remember is I was I my room.

Did someone kidnap me, No! That can’t be possible, did he kidnap me, Nooooo!!!!!!!!!! This cannot be possible, he disappeared how he can be back after a year. Suddenly I saw a shadow.

“Who is there answer me please” I asked still worried.

“It’s me love” he said very calmly.

“Who ‘me’? Show me yourself please” I begged. A boy appeared, he was tall way taller than me probably 6 feet, he had a well toned body he was wearing a black shirt and light blue jeans but I couldn’t see hi face it was very dark I could hardly see anything.

Suddenly there was light, it hurt my eyes, I closed my eyes for few seconds to adjust my sight after sometime I open my eyes and saw that boy standing right in front of me, looking at me with hi dark brown eyes, those eyes scared the hell out of me, I realized he was wearing a black mask. Oh no, no, no, no this can’t be possible how can he be back , I thought he disappeared.

I couldn’t breathe; air was stuck in throat I just looked at him with shocked and scared expression

“Help” was all I could get out of my mouth.

“Don’t worry my love I will not harm you, please don’t be scared of me” he said calmly.

“Please let me go” I said crying.

“NO!” He shouted in anger. I stood there still I did not even dare to blink, he was scary, he was scaring me I cried silently tears were rolling down my cheek.

He wiped my tears I didn't move I was just closed my eyes hard and wished he just disappeared but he was still there.

“I am here to take you with me my love” he said.

“Nooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!” I shouted as hard as I could.

I was breathing hard and was sweating I open my eyes and was shocked I was still in my room that masked guy was not there I was alone in my room where I slept last night. To relax myself I checked my room properly and no one was there, was I dreaming that, that was the worst nightmare I ever had in my life, I looked at my cell to see the time it was 6 am. There was plenty of time left for the school I could have slept a little more but I did not dare to close my eyes I don’t want to have that nightmare ever again in my life.

I laid on my bed thinking about the nightmare I had, maybe I am thinking about him a lot, I should give that thought a rest. I got so disturbed by that nightmare I was hardly thinking about anything else. His scary eyes were all I could see, and his words “I am here to take you with me my love” was playing in my mind like a song again and again. The thought of seeing him again sacred me.

PSYCHO KIDNAPPEROù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant