Chapter 27

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Hey guys here comes chapter 27

I know I didn't uploaded for a month and I am really sorry for that I didn’t have any time to write I was busy in my exams sorry.

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Sharon’s POV

I was in the room I dropped myself on the floor and started crying; my life was perfect just perfect I had a perfect family, perfect boyfriend and perfect friends and everything got ruined only because of one person Ashton.

“Get ready” Said Ashton.

I didn't reply right now I wanted to be left alone and the least thing I wanted to do was see his face.

“Always crying” said Ashton with annoyance in his voice.

“What the hell do you want?” I finally spoke up.

“Don’t you remember? I told about going to your parents’ house meeting them for the last time before we move out of here” he said normally.

“What do you think of yourself Ashton; you think you can control my life? You think you can control everything huh? Well you are wrong Ashton you cannot control what I think of you and you cannot force me to love you” I said furiously and continued “I hate you I have always hated you and I will always hate you, do you understand that? I shouted.

Ashton looked shocked and angry but I was not scared of him if I have to live with him for my entire life then I’ll ruin his life too, he might not love me and leave me alone, but deep inside I know he will never let me go he always present to ruin my life.

He took slow steps towards me without losing the eye contact I was still not scared but I know he is going to hit me he always do that whenever I stand for myself, he was now standing few inches away from me.

I closed my eyes to welcome the pain he was now going to give me, nothing happened I waited for few more seconds again nothing happened I didn't even feel his touch I slowly opened my eyes and saw Ashton standing in front of me with same anger in eyes but his face looked calm.

I didn't understand what was going on I stayed quiet and waited for him to speak, he didn't say anything he was just looking at me I guess he was trying to scare me but something was going on in his mind and I was not able to know what.

“So you really think I can’t force you to love me?” asked Ashton his anger was gone now.

“Yes” I said soundly.

“Yes? I don’t think so love I can make you love me” said Ashton and continued “I have done it earlier also” he said proudly.

“Pointing gun at Jason and forcing me into getting engaged to is not called love Ashton” I said angrily.

His anger was back only now it was multiplied ten time than before, without wasting any second he rushed towards me covered the few inches that was left and slapped me very hard on my left cheek, it was burning horribly the pain cannot be defined it grew more when I touched me cheek to comfort it I am sure a mark of his hand was also on my face.

“Now get ready before I lose my patients and kill your family” with that he left the room.

I was standing there in pain and tears I don’t know for how long I was standing and crying but a knock on the door brought me back to reality which was much painful than the burn on my cheek I looked at the door and saw Martha standing, she had concerned look on her face and the she looked at me and her expression now turned from concern to shock she must have seen the mark on my cheek.

She came towards me and hugged I cried harder now

“When will this end Martha I cannot tolerate this anymore, help me please” I said while crying.

“Soon dear soon” said Martha.

“Come on now sweetie get ready you are going to meet you parents’ but not for the last time you will be with them soon” said Martha to cheer me up.

“Yes I hope so” I said.

Martha left the room and I made my towards the closet and picked some clothes and got ready I was kind of happy to see them after a very long time I was ready now. I went downstairs towards the hall and as usual Ashton was there sitting on sofa waiting for me.

He saw me and got up from the sofa and came towards me I stopped where I was he took my hand I was not looking at him I was looking down he slowly and carefully placed him hand on my cheek where he slapped me I twitch at his action but he didn’t move his hand.

“Let’s go now love” he said.

Hey guys I am done with chapter 27

I am really very sorry for late update

Hope you will all forgive

Anyways please vote and comment

It will motivate me to write more


Take care.

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