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"It hasn't even been two weeks yet!" I screamed. This wasn't supposed to be happening.

"Well, we changed up the schedule. Every Saturday you both will come and get shots, and we decided they would be more effective if we didn't put you to sleep."

"What the hell." Harry whispered to himself. They grabbed him with him screaming and throwing punches trying to get away. They grabbed me to, and put ropes around mine and Harrys wrists dragging us in different directions.



"LET ME GO!" I screamed.


They dragged them both to different rooms. All the way around the first floor to rooms that were three doors down from each other. They caught one last glance at each other before being dragged by their will into the rooms. Sapphire squealed when her fingers got caught in the door. Her nail started bleeding and she put her finger in her mouth to try and stop the bleeding. They put on their masks and tied her down to a table and started getting the needle ready. She started screaming and thrashing her legs around.

"Shhhh, calm down, it will all be over soon." a man in his doctors uniform said. She started getting tears in her eyes closed them tight.

"Ready?" she was asked. She shook her head violently and screamed "No!"

"To bad." the doctor told her. They held her down and the male doctor cleaned off the needle on his shirt one last time. Sapphire screamed bloody murder and tried to get out from the straps. He tried to make her be quiet as he put the needle in her arm. She screamed even louder until the point when she passed out and they were able to give her the shot.

*2 hours later*


They took me to the room where Harry was and they pushed me through the door. Harry was laying on a table, strapped down. There were two men. The doctors that took me in there left and shut the door leaving Harry and I with the two men. Patrick and Dan.

"Hello Sapphire Jones." said Patrick.

"Hi?" I answered.

"So I bet you're wondering what your in here for and why you're little boyfriend is strapped to the table."

"Uh, yeah! Can you just fucking tell me why?"

"You two have been doing some bad things. So we decided, it's time for Mr. Styles punishment."

"What do you mean?!" I asked. I started shaking and I stared Harry in the eyes. He mouthed 'help me'. I nodded. Patrick saw this, pulled out a pocket knife, came up to me and put it up against my neck.

"What did you say?" he asked me. I stayed silent and he walked away slowly.

"Dan, lets to this." Dan nodded and got out his gun. My eyes widened in shock and he charged the gun. He pointed the gun right at Harry's head and looked at me with an evil smile. Harry started screaming and trying to get off the table and I was freaking and Patrick was holding me back. He was about to pull the trigger and I screamed "HARRY I LOVE YOU!"

"I LOVE YOU TOO" he screamed. The last thing I heard was a gun shot, then harry screaming my name over and over and I was shaking.

-end of nightmare-

"SAPPHIRE WAKE UP!" Harry screamed as he was shaking me. I screamed and sat up fast and got a head rush. I held my head and Harry came over and hugged me.

"What happened." I asked.

"You came in here after you passed out and about five minutes ago you started shaking, screaming and sweating. I tried to wake you up, but you just didn't seem to notice. I got scared."

"Awww Harry." I said and hugged him. I kissed his lips and he asked, "What was the nightmare about?"

There was a banging at the door, "I'll tell you later." I said. We both got up and I banged at the door letting them know that we were standing there.

The door opening and there was a doctor standing there, "We have a little surprise for you both." I got scared thinking about my nightmare.

"What is it?" Harry asked.

"I want you both to meet your new roommate, Rye." A little girl with a teddy bear walked in and put her hand out for us to shake. I took the favor and he somewhat explained her story. He brought in a bed and placed it in the corner. He left us with Rye and closed and locked the door. We all sat on the floor and we asked her some questions.

"So your name is Rye?" Harry asked.


"like the bread?" I asked.

"Uh, sure." she said. Then there was silence until Harry spoke up.

"how old are you sweetie?" Harry questioned.

"Fourteen, I'm to young to be in here."

"I came here when I was thirteen. You're not to young." I said.

"How did you get in here?" she asked me.

"You sure you wanna know?"

~Oh hey everyone! So thank you so much for reading and I hope you all like this chapter! Thanks for waiting on me to update :) Oh and I am also putting out a new fanfic that I would like you all to check out. Its a Michael Clifford one so if you wanna go look at it you can! The first chapter will be up Sometime in the middle of April! Hope you all have a good night/day/afternoon Love you all!

                                                                 Until next time


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