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"No. Please don't be gone."


Sapphire had tears rolling down her cheeks as Amy walked over to her.

"I didn't want anyone else to tell you but me. Since you're the only one who can see me, I figured it would be the right decision to tell you in person, well as close to in person as I can get."

"I-I don't know what to think anymore. I don't think I can handle this, you were one of the only people I had left. Who killed you?"

"The people who were after you. They followed your tracks and killed me an hour or so after they came to my house. I was stabbed and shot in the head. It was the worst way to go, I imagined you standing near me, telling me everything was going to be alright. I hadn't crossed over to the other side yet because I just wanted to see you one last time."

"It's time for you to cross over Amy," Sapphire said with even more tears rolling down her face, "you don't need to see and be tortured by the things in this cruel world any longer." It had hurt Sapphire to say it, but Amy needed to go. She didn't want Amy to see her in all of the pain she knew would later come in her life.

"Sapphire bu-."

"It's time Amy. It hurts me too, but you need to do what is best for you, and that is leaving and being happy."

Amy sighed. She didn't want to leave Sapphire. Amy wanted to be by her side when she gets married, when she has her child. She wanted to be there with Sapphire and make sure she knows that everything was going to be okay when life feels as if it is about to crumble all around her.

"I'm going to cross Sapphire, but just don't forget me." Amy said.

"I could never forget about you. Now go." Sapphire weakly said. Amy walked towards the window she came in through, but stopped right before she walked out.

"I love you Sapphire."

"I love you too Amy. Thank you for everything."

Amy nodded and walked out the window, vanishing into the night sky.  She didn't turn back and give Sapphire one last look. Harry walked over to where Sapphire was sitting against the wall, and slid down next to her.

"Did another ghost show up? What happened?"

"Amy was killed by the men who were chasing us."

"They went to her house?!" Harry was shell shocked.

"Yes. They apparently were able to trace our steps and find her house and they killed her for not giving away our location." Sapphire looked at the wall opposite of them, and Harry knew what she was thinking.

"It's not your fault babe. You didn't know that they were going to find her house."

"If I wouldn't have been such a fucking idiot and made us stop at that stupid wall on the way there and leave my jacket there, they wouldn't have found her."

"Shut up okay. I am tired of hearing you blame yourself for these things. This is not your fault that they found her. This is not your fault that we are in the situation we are in," Harry cupped her face with his hands, "none of this is your fault. The only thing that you need to think about it our future together and the fact that we are going to be okay in the end. I promise." 

Sapphire looked into Harry's eyes and lifted her hand up and wiped the tear that he didn't even know had come out of his eye. She smiled as much us she could at the moment and kissed him lightly on the lips, deepening the kiss by putting her hand around his neck and pulling him closer. Harry broke the kiss and hugged her so tight that she felt as if she couldn't get any air to her lungs. She embraced him back and balled parts of his shirt up in her hands. 

"Please, never leave me. I don't think I have the consciousness to deal with anyone else being taken away from me."

"I will never leave you. I would never do anything to hurt you."

"I love you so much Harry."

"I love you to Neptune and back." Harry said and smiled into the crook of her neck. Sapphire felt his lips curl upwards on her neck and it gave her chills down her spine. Harry held her closer than he ever did before.

"You're so fucking cheesy." Sapphire said, faking a happy smile. Harry shrugged his shoulders and smirked. He couldn't help it. Sapphire ran her hand along her thigh and went up towards her hips, and near the hem of her shorts, she let her hand run across her scars. Some new, some old. She has no idea how Harry hasn't found out. Harry broke the hug and Sapphire quickly pulled her shorts down further to cover them up. It was a humid night and she felt as if she was going to pass out if she were to wear her pajama pants. She had always felt uncomfortable in shorts, she never wanted anyone to know about the addiction. Sapphire was addicted. She was addicted to the rush she got when she got hold of a new blade. She was addicted to slicing her skin in a slanted line and watching the blood flow from it. She was addicted to watching it roll down her leg and drip onto the floor. 1,2,3,4... and so on, until she had opened her old scars and made new ones. She stopped when she realized how big the puddle of blood was on the floor. 

Sapphire would clean herself up, and wrap her leg in the piece of dirty cloth that she had the keep cleaning to then wrap up her leg again the next day. Every single time she would regret it, but she was so addicted that it was hard to stop. 3 days clean, then she couldn't help but do it again. Sapphire had gone over a week without cutting, and she couldn't take it anymore. The night before Amy came to her, she made thirty new cuts on her left thigh; again regretting it, but she just didn't know how to stop herself. Something would just come over her and she couldn't seem to control it and put the blade down. 

Harry crawled in the bed next to her, and he wrapped his arm around her waist. Sapphire tried her best not to let out a scream of pain since she was sleeping on her left side, and that was the side her cuts were on. Eventually she got used to the pain, but she didn't have a very restful night sleep. That night, she again had, had nightmares. Worse than ever before. Over ten times that night she would be waking up in a cold sweat, fists at the ready. Prepared to hit anyone who tried to get her. Her cheeks were red as could be and Harry was sleeping soundly it seemed. Sapphire faced him and watched his peaceful face. He seemed a lot younger as he slept. His face was calmer, and the dark circles under his eyes were fading. He was beautiful to her. She was beautiful to him. They both just couldn't seem to find the beauty in themselves.


Hi..... sorry for very slow updates, but school is a piece of shit and i hate everything about it. I have so much homework and i hate abandoning you guys. Thank you for dealing with all of my bullshit. I love you all. So much. Always remember I am here for you and you can message me at anytime. Stay strong my angels. I wish i could stay strong as well; I'm trying. Stay safe <3

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