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This story contains talk about suicide so if you are uncomfortable please don't read this chapter. This chapter is also going to be mostly in Narrators Pov.

dé·jà vu

/ˌdāZHä ˈvo͞o/


a feeling of having already experienced the present situation

*Two weeks later*


Sapphire, Harry and Rye were sitting in there room all attempting to go to sleep. They don't sleep much anymore. Sapphire clenched onto her blanket having horrible thoughts about her nightmare weeks ago. Looking over at Harry, she tried to imagine in laying on the table, strapped down and not being able to get up. She shook her head trying to get the thought out, but as I said, Sapphire doesn't think about the positive that often. She wasn't thinking about how that nightmare was not real, but instead she was imagining him on the table being abused and killed. While Harry and Rye were asleep, Sapphire stood up and put her ear against the metal door above her head to see if she could hear anything. She heard a little bit of whispering, but nothing she could make out. Sighing, she sat back down and grabbed her blue, ripped up journal and started writing.

Dear Journal,

               I can't sleep. I have been lying here for over two hours it seems like and I can't bring myself to fall asleep. I'm scared also. Yesterday I heard Patrick and Dan talking about Rye and I am scared they are going to do something to her. I can't bear loosing another person I care about. I am scared for all of us here. I hope Patrick and Dan die slowly and painfully. They deserve to.


She put her journal away and tried to get some sleep. She got in a good two hours before Harry and Rye woke up and starting making noise.

"Can you be quiet I was trying to sleep!" she screamed. Rye sat in silence while Harry walked over to Sapphire and kissed her forehead.

"Shhh it's okay." Harry coaxed.

"No it's not going to be okay! Nothing is ever going to be okay!" Sapphire screamed in his face. This loud screaming scared Rye. She sat in the corner while Harry did his best to calm Sapphire down. Sapphire is not know for being very calm if you haven't noticed already. Sapphire got out of Harry's grip, walked over to her bed were her scissors were and grabbed them. Staring at the tool in her hand, she looked up at Harry, then Rye, then back at the scissors. She turned around and slid the scissors under her bed. Rye looked at Harry in fear off Sapphire. Sensing the fear that Rye had, he quickly got up and pulled Sapphire down next to him so she could try and go back to sleep. They all decided to take an early morning nap because none of them had gotten a lot of sleep.


Later that day, there was a loud knock at the door. Running over to it, Sapphire told them they were awake and the door swung open.

"We have a surprise for you." Said one of the men with a smirk. Someone ran in and grabbed Rye, carrying her out while she was thrashing about.

"LET HER GO!" Sapphire screamed, attempting to run through the door. Two other men grabbed Sapphire and Harry tying their wrists together with,an almost knife sharp, rope. Having to be literally dragged around the whole building, they came upon a room with a small window that you could pear through if you were tall enough. But even Harry wasn't that tall. One of the guards did some type of rhythmic knock, and the door opened slightly. Seeing who they were, one man opened the door and let the two guards, Harry, and Sapphire in the dark room. The two guards tied them to a wall so they couldn't escape. When the guards left, Sapphire and Harry saw who they were met with. Patrick and Dan.

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