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"How did you get in here?" she asked me.

"You sure you wanna know?"


Rye nodded and I looked over at Harry. He gave me a nod and handed Rye and I our sweatshirts. I put mine on and pulled the sleeves down so they covered my hands. I looked down at the floor we were sitting on and Harry grabbed my hand. 

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Rye said.

"No it's okay, If we are going to be sharing a room I figured you should probably know." I said and smiled. She smiled back. I started telling her part of my background. I didn't tell her all of it because, I just didn't fully trust her yet. The same as Harry, she cried. Not as much as he did though. When I was done telling her, she came over and gave me a hug and hugged me tight.

"I'm so sorry." she whispered.

"It's okay." I responded. She let go and walked over to her bed to pick up her teddy bear. She walked back over to us and sat down. Rye held the bear out and put it in my lap. I gave her a confused look.

"You can have it."

"Why? This is the only thing you brought here."

"You need it more than I do. When you feel scared or anxious just hug it. I found that it makes me feel better."

I looked down at the little stuffed bear sitting in my lap, "What's his name."

"I named him Pip."

I grinned, "That's a cute name for a cute bear." I said. I picked up the bear and hugged him. I held him in my left hand and hit Harry on his head. He turned around, smiled and kissed my cheek.

"You guys are cute together." Rye said. I looked at the ground and smiled.

"I know." Harry said. We both looked at him and laughed. I hugged him around his waist and we all had random conversations. Rye also told me about what's going on in the world right now. I have been here for six years and I have no idea what's going on. She told me about the new cars, phones and many other things like stores and how the style of clothes has changed.

"It sounds so awesome." I said.

"But a lot of it is actually horrible." she said. I got worried for a second and she told me all of the struggles that the world is going through right now and all the struggles most of the people in all countries are having. It's sad to hear about all of these cool things that have been invented, but all the other things that are going wrong.

"Its terrible how many bad things have happened since I came here." I said and Rye nodded in agreement. I walked up to my bed, set Pip on it and put on my sweatpants over my jeans because it's freezing in our room. I pulled my note book out from under my bed and tore out page. It had a drawing of a field of roses with a lily in the middle. I sat down next to Harry and I handed Rye the drawing.

"This is amazing." she said.

"Thank you." I responded. There was a loud knock on the door then the door swung open. We all turned around and looked at who it was. A guard was standing there and he motioned for us to all come to the door.

"It's time for lunch." He said, very strictly. I took off my sweat pants exposing my jeans underneath because the heat from the hallway made the room get warm. Rye had gotten handcuffs put around her wrists and Harry and I got ropes around ours. Every so often they would tighten the ropes around our wrists, always leaving marks when they take them off. Whenever they tightened them, I would look back and they would always be smiling. They dragged us to the cafeteria and sat us down at our own table. They unhand cuffed Rye and untied Harry and I and went and got us food. I looked around and there was something, or someone, missing. I looked down at the soup that I had and picked at it. I forced myself to eat every bit because you never know when they would make you miss a meal for punishment. I almost starved to death here because of punishment before.

I looked over at Harry, "Don't you think someone is missing here?" I asked him.

"Yeah it seems like it." he responded and continued to nibble at his bread. I got up to put my dishes in the wash bin when something caught my eye. I stood over by the dirty dishes and looked over to where Jerry usually sits. He wasn't there. My eyes widened in fear of what they could have done to him. I fast walked over to his table and asked his roommate what happened to him. All he said was "gone forever." then walked over by the guards and they took him to his room I assumed. I walked back over to Harry and whispered in his ear, "Jerry's dead."


"They probably killed him."

"We need to get out." he said. I looked over at Rye putting her dish away.

"What about Rye?" I asked him.

"We bring her too, we can't just leave her with them." he said. I nodded then the guards came over to take us back to our room. When we got there I sat on my bed and though, how we were going to bring Rye with us also and what would the consequences be if we did bring her. She could be one more person to find and buy food for, to find a bed for.


Sapphire started thinking about all the little things that could go wrong with bringing Rye along. But that's just what Sapphire does. She doesn't think of the positive things that could happen, that's just not how her brain works. But Rye won't be here for long, so stay tuned.....


Hiii everyone! Thank you so much for reading! I just wanted take this moment to say how much I appreciate every single one of you. It means a lot seeing your nice comments and I just wanted to say that I love you all! Thanks again, stay fabulous!

                                                          Until next time,


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