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We sat and planned. We planned out our escape full on, writing down every thought that we had on a piece a notebook paper in my journal. One side for me and one said for Harry, and whenever we thought of something we would take the pencil and write it down. I took my pencil and wrote down shower. Harry looked up at me and gave me a puzzling look.

"What do you mean by shower?" he questioned me.

"Before I was put in here, i used to watch a lot of mysterious and murder films and in some of the older ones there were murder scenes in a bathroom where somebody would be showering than the murderer walked right in their shower and made it look like they fell and knocked their head on the floor after they murderer them." I said and smiled.

"You're so evil." Harry responded with a smirk. I laughed in my head and continued thinking of ideas. In a while we finally got it, and this is what we wrote down.

We will start off with Dan, murdering him with poison and pills. Stealing aspirin and crushing it up when they make us make their lunches.

Every Wednesday they make us make them lunch. Today is the day.

We will make them smoothies along with their lunch and we will make Patrick a normal smoothie, but we will put an overdose of aspirin in the smoothie and make them get crushed up so he can drink them and he will overdose. Now onto Patrick, it's shower time. Sapphire will get the job of this. While everyone is asleep Sapphire will sneak out and put on an outfit to make her look like she could either be a boy or girl and will sneak in with her scissors and bash him in the head then lay him on the floor and make him look like he fell to the ground. Then after all that is done, Sapphire and Harry will sneak out together with only money, scissors and clothes and head out to Sapphires location where they will hide out until they are able to get to a police station.

I looked over at Harry and he had a look of determination on his face, "I can't wait to get the hell out of here." I just nodded in agreement and stared at the floor.

*30 minutes later*

We were being dragged to the kitchen to make Patrick and Dans lunch. A guard usually stands and watches us because there are no cameras in the kitchen, but today he left us in the kitchen alone because somebody tried to escape. Harry and I both got tense, but we knew that we had to continue with our plan. I took out the bottle of pills and handed them to Harry. I started making sandwiches and Harry was making the smoothies. I made them turkey sandwiches with cheese and mustard because that is what they demanded for, they also demanded for a certain type of bread which we had to basically tear the kitchen apart to find but we eventually found it. Rye bread.


"So your name is Rye?" Harry asked.


"like the bread?" I asked.

"Uh, sure." she said.

*End of flashback*

I tear slid down my cheek and fell on the counter. Wiping the tears from my cheek i carried on trying not to think about Rye. We finished lunch and brought the food to Patrick and Dan.

"Decent work, now go." said Patrick. Dan did a motion with his hand to motion us out. We walked out with a fake look of sadness on our faces, but we were trying so hard not to smile because of our plan and how it was hopefully going to work out. When we were back in our room and the door was locked and shut, I let out a squeal of excitement and Harry laughed and brought me in for a hug.

"I hope we make it." he said.

"We will, i promise." I responded. I let go of Harry and walked over to my bed grabbing my notebook. I added some notes to our plan paper, then I took out my tape recorder.

"Harry and I have managed to plan everything we need to escape. We have made plans on how to kill Dan and Patrick and how to escape. We have also made plans for were we will go after we get out and escape town." I said to the tape recorder. I pressed stop and Harry and I sat and talked about the things that I might see when we escape.

"Many things have changed since you have came her Sapphire. People have gotten meaner and they have also gotten more open minded. There is so much new technology, cars and buildings that you will see and I just want to warn you because I don't want you to be overwhelmed by the new sights." he mentioned to me.

"I'm sure I will be fine." I responded and slid over next to him on the floor and hugged his side. I didn't have to say anything, we just sat there and hugged for who knows how long until we had to go to dinner. Dan didn't show up like he usually does and Patrick came down and said that Dan had a very high fever and was not able to come down and watch us so, Patrick was going to. Usually Dan watches over us during dinner (not in a good way). Later that night, we heard screaming coming from the hallway. Then, the next morning everyone was brought near the front doors of Amber Lytes, none of us have been to the front doors since we have entered this place. There was a squeaking noise and we all turned around and two doctors came running down the hallway with a black bag on a gurney and the persons head was sticking out of the top of the bag, and we all saw who it was.

It was Dan.


I AM SO SORRY FOR THE LACK OF UPDATES!! Thank you for everyone who has waited for me to update and i hope you all forgive me. I promise i will make a new chapter this week! I love you all and i hope you all have a good week!<3 I love you all~Brooke

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