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 "Hello dear."my grandma said. She came over to me and grabbed my hands. It felt like I was grabbing nothing. 

"Wh-what are you doing here?" I questioned her. 

"Helping you, Jane."

"Hel-helping me with what? What do I need help with?"

"They are after you, both you and Harry. You need to get out of here-"

"Wait, who is they?" 

"Never mind that, just follow my instructions very closely okay?" she said. I nodded, trying to keep my focus on her.

"I have a place where people in danger travel. It is like a subway,but very different, you travel far underground in your own personal car and it takes you were you need to go. I'm sending you both somewhere far away from here, were you will be safe from harm."

"Where are you taking us?" 

"Flat, Alaska."

"What?" I asked. Why would she be taking us there.

"They have a population of four people and those four people, have been in similar situations you have been in and they will help you." She said and cupped my face with her hands.

"When do we leave?"

"Tonight. Louis will take you there and I will meet you at the station."


"I have to go, I'm loosing energy. I love you dear."

"I love you too" I responded. I tear ran down my face as i watched her figure fade away.

"What happened?" Harry asked me.

"We have to go to Alaska."

"What! Why?" 

"I'll tell you later, but Louis is taking us to an underground station tonight and we will go." I told everyone. Harry nodded and Amy still looked shocked about the whole thing.

"Let's go pack." I said. Harry and I went to our room and Louis said that he will be back later tonight. Amy gave us clothes that could fill up one back pack and then we both had enough room to fit cans and water to fill the rest of it. We also had painkillers and other important things stored in our bags. Amy gave us both jackets to tie around our waists and hats in case we needed them. Harry and i were both wearing loose pants that we could run in and short sleeved shirts. Harry came over and gave me a hug.

"We can do this babe."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. Together, we can do anything." he told me. I nodded and gave him a kiss on the cheek. As I walked away, he pulled me back and kissed my lips lightly.

"I love you so much Jane Bandit Jones."

"I love you too Harry Edward Styles." I said. I smiled thinking about that, if we were to die, we would die together. And that made the situation slightly better. We continued collecting all of our things, food, weapons, and we decided to take a nap until dinner was ready. Harry and I sat on the bed for a while, trying to get comfortable, but we couln't shake the thought from our heads that we would be going to another country, to a town we have never been to before, and be forced to hide there until the FBI catches the people after us. I just wish this would all end.


Amy woke us up and told us it was time to eat. We went into the kitchen and saw spaghetti with meatballs, garlic bread, vegetables, fruit and milk with water on the side.

"What is all of this?" Harry asked surprised. 

"Well it's your last meal here so, I might as well give you a great one!"

"Thank you so much Amy, for everything." I said, and gave Amy a tight hug.

"Anything to help hun. Now, let's eat!" Amy cheered. We cheered along and sat at the table and had conversations about life and then we had a pretty serious one about staying safe.

"It will be dangerous out there, but we know we can do it." Harry said, grabbing my hand. 

"Okay, but be cautious and make sure you call me when you find a pay phone." Amy told us.

"We will." I said, standing up to give her a hug. Louis then came into the kitchen, making himself visible to everyone.

"Ready to go?" he asked us. I looked at Harry and he looked back at me. I smiled and gave Amy another hug. She wrote her phone number down on a piece of paper and handed it to me. 

"Find some place to call me, I want to make sure you're safe."

"Okay. I love you Amy."

"I love you to Sapphire." I put my jacket on and picked up my bag and let Harry say goodbye to Amy


"Take good care of her Harry. Also, make sure I'm invited to the wedding." Amy told me smiling. I couldn't help but laugh with joy. I new we were going to get married, and I love thinking about that.

"I will and, I will make sure you get an invitation when the time comes." I responded and gave her a kiss on the cheek and she responded the same way. I put on my jacket and grabbed my bag, we all gave Amy a wave goodbye and Louis led us the way to the underground escape system. 


"How long will it take for us to get there?" Harry asked Louis.

"Probably, only three hours. This thing goes extremely fast, but you can hardly feel it moving."

"That's good." I said. Harry grabbed my hand and we walked down wooden stairs to get to the station. My grandmother was standing there.

"Hello dear! Are you both ready?"

"Yes." I answered. She walked us towards our car.

"Now, this system will take you underground and directly into the valley where you will live for a while. Then, once those men are found, we will all inform you strait away, alright?"

"Alright. Thank you." I said.

"No problem, oh and one more thing."

"Yeah?" I said.

"There is someone there, who will teach you everything there is to know about seeing and talking to spirits."

"Who is he?" I questioned as I sat in the car with Harry.

"Your gr-" She wasn't able to finish her sentence when the doors shut. I stood up and started banging on the doors, trying to tell them to open up. My grandmother tried to pull the lever, but then the car sped off.

"Who do you think it was?" Harry asked.

"I don't know, but I'm anxious to find out."


Hey everybody! So I'm sorry about the slow update again. I am redoing my room and it's hard to find time to write and work on this story at the same time. I hope you all can forgive me. I will update sooon! I love you all! Stay Strong! Byeeeee~Brooke <3

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