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"What happened?" asked somebody.

"We think he died from his sickness." said one male nurse.

"What did he have?"one of the guards asked.

"We don't know yet." replied the male nurse. Everyone was silent while they took Dans body and put him in the ambulance to take him the the hospital to check out his body to see if they could find the thing that caused his death. They took us back to our rooms and i looked over at Harry who had a fearful look on his face.

"What if they find out that we did it?" he asked me. I sat down with him.

"We will be fine, Okay?"

"Okay." He said. I could tell he was still unsure about this whole thing, but i know this is the only way out of here. It's one of the hardest, but easiest ways. I hugged Harry's side and kissed his lips softly. We looked into each others eyes and i noticed something different about them. When we first made eye contact, his eyes were green with a hint of grey in them, but know they are more of a deep forest green. Kind of like when you mix black and green together and it comes out with very faint green, but it is still there.

"Your eyes have changed." i mentioned to him.

"Really?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, they are kind of like a very deep, almost black, green."

"My eyes have never changed to that dark before." He said very shocked.

"Well, they still look stunning." i told him. He leaned down and his lips made contact with mine. Both of our lips were dry, cracked and wet with saliva trying to make them hydrated again. I thought about Harry's eyes while we kissed. The color now gives him a look a determination and focus that i didn't notice before. Whenever i looked into his eyes now, i could see a man who wanted to protect what was his. Looking into a mans eyes tells you so much about them. They can tell you when they are mad, sad, happy and many other emotions. I broke our kiss and looked Harry in the eyes once more. I now saw a look of carefulness in his eyes. I smiled pecked his lips once more. I then kissed his jaw line, going down to his neck. He kissed my forehead, then my nose, my chin then going back up to my lips again. I love this man so much.

“Do you know how much I love you?” I asked him.

“How much?” he asked, with a smirk on his face.

“This much!” I responded, stretching my arms out as far as I could. He laughed at me and pulled me on to his lap, resting his hands around my waist and linking our fingers together. I laid my head back against his shoulder and looked up at the ceiling. For a while I forgot where we were and how much danger we are in at the moment, but right now I didn’t really care. Well, until I heard a banging noise come from outside our door. Then, we heard a cry for help, then a gun shot, then silence. Harry and I looked at each other.

"Who do you think it was this time?" He asked me. 

"I don't think i even want to know." I whispered. 

12:30 pm- During lunch, someone else was missing. But this time it wasn't a patient, it was a worker. One of the ladies who take our trays from us during lunch. She was not there, but she was here earlier when Dans dead body was found. 

"It was Joyce." I whispered in Harry's ear. 

"Why would they want to kill her, she did nothing but do her job?" he spoke out loud, but quiet enough so only I could hear him. 

"Well, they are just going on a killing spree." I responded. We ate our food, which today we actually had fruit on the side. We didn't trust it though, so we didn't eat it. I had a suspicion that they were trying to poison us, or at least make us sick. I wasn't going to let that happen to Harry and I. Then, something horrific happened. 

"EVERYBODY LISTEN UP!" some huge guard screamed, "SEE THIS GUY? YEAH WELL HE HAS BEEN A TOTAL PIECE OF SHIT SINCE HE HAS BEEN ADMITTED HERE, SO I'M GOING TO TEACH HIM A LESSON!" The man dragged James, who was yelling for someone to help him, and held a gun to his head. There was gasps and screams, then Bang, James was gone. Everyone went mental, screaming, running and bolting out the door trying to get to their rooms where they would be semi-safe. I decided to take a different approch. I ran twords the guard that killed James and was about to jump on his back when someone grabbed my forearm and stopped me in my tracks. 

"What do you think you are doing?" the voice asked......


Hey guys!! i hope you like this update! Its finally like not two weeks since i updated! HALLELUJAH THANK THE GEZUZ! Anyway i hope you all are doing well and i hope you have a good rest of the week, going into next week. I love you all soooooooooooo much and i will update next week! Byeeee- Brooke 

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