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Nandini was lost in thinking about maddy when they were going back home but then she thought , if manik was trying alot to cheer her up so she should also try to move on forgetting about her pain and she made up her that she will also do something which will make him happy and she knew that his happiness was in her happiness. Then she got an idea.

"Manik stop the car "nandini again shouted making manik stopped the car . "Wao again my wild Angel is back "manik said happily while applying the brake.

"No , Manik wild nandini was for limited time and that time has got over.."nandini said while manik made sad face and asked " then why you made me to stop the car"

"Ek request hai , can i eat ice cream , i know have eaten golgape and it is not good for my health but today i really want to eat "she cutely requested him  and he was unbelievably staring at her. He was loving this cute nandini more and more.

"Yes off course angel , now tell me which ice cream you want to eat , i will bring "he asked while cubbing her face and she told the name and manik went to bring the ice cream.

"Manik i am doing this for you only , i will always try to remain happy for you , i will try to live life for you as you are my everything and i could even die for you "she was thinking all this and looking at manik having smile on her face , when he was also looking at her while purchasing the ice cream.

"So here is your ice cream angel "he said while giving her ice cream and after that he sat in car. And then he about to start the car but stopped when his eye fell on nandini. She was cutely eating the ice cream they she was Licking her finger and lips. He smiled broadly seeing this and got lost in her.

"Manik , i am done start the car "manik came out of his thought after listening her voice and then he realized that she had already eaten her ice cream. Then he saw little ice cream was stuck on corner of her lips. He came close her face , both felt each other breath , then he sucked the ice cream from the corner of her lips and when he about to move back but again nandini giving shock to manik , she slammed his lips for another  sweet and soft kiss.


They reached back home after that manik made nandini sleep in his arm comfortably. He found some kind of unknown fear in her eyes after that restaurant incident. He really wanted to know what had happened to her in restaurant. Today He had made his mind  that after she will wake up , he will make her understand  that sharing her pain will give her relief.

He knew that she was trying to be happy for him only. He knew , she was still in pain and she was still broken. But she didn't know that her manik understand her very well. He knew she need time. But he was little happy at least for him , she was trying to remain happy.

Then he again started to read her diary and  he had decided , he will leave the bed after completing this diary as he wanted to know all his answers. He couldn't wait more.

So diary finally i got something which makes me happy  that is singing. I know i am very well at singing and i will be surely selected for the competition. I will show my whole class that who i am.. and specially to that bloody fucker maddy. I can't take it any more , i really feel disgusting when ever he touches me and i get numb  , i wants to push him but i feel myself so weak , never in my life i felt so weak. But now i will  be strong and i will show him , his place.

Manik stopped reading when he heard her whispers. He looked at her and saw that she was whispering in sleep. He leaned on her face and putting his ear close to her lips , he heard " i am strong.. i am strong.. "she was saying these 3 words again and again . Manik felt pain in his heart and then touching her face with his both the hands , he said  " yes angel , you are very strong"

Monster&His Angel ✅Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt