Chapter 11

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"What are we doing this weekend? And please do not tell me you're hanging out with Sean again because if you do I'm going to scream" Kim said to me as our last class for today ended.

"I'm supposed to be hanging out with Sean" I said chuckling sheepishly "Sorry"

"I told you not to say that" Kim said to me.

"I know and I'm sorry but we had made plans for Saturday. He's taking the entire day off so we can hang out" I smiled.

"I'm just so stress, I need a girl's day or night in or out, whatever I don't care I just want a few days where there is no men involved nor any talk of men" Kim responded.

"Wait, did you and Cory got into a fight or something?" I asked as we made it to my car.

"Yeah, we kinda did. Morgan, he can be so bossy sometimes... Its like he thinks he's my dad or something" Kim frowned as we got in the car.

"Well he's old enough to be your dad..." I teased.

"Don't start Morgan, remember Sean is almost 41 he could have been your father too" Kim responded.

"Yeah, but my dad is still like eight years older than him so I kinda don't see it that way" I said before going back to the conversation "So what did you and Cory fought about?"

"He's starting to be a control freak and I can't take it anymore, I don't cope well with being controlled" Kim said to me "He wants to dictate what I should eat, what I should wear, where I go. He calls like every half hour to check up on me and find out where I'm at and that's becoming a bit creepy. I personally find those actions to be those of potential abusive males"

"Maybe that's not such a bad thing... Not the part where he's trying to control your life but him checking up on you. It shows he cares and wants to know you're okay" I said to her.

"I just think that he's feeling insecure, with our age difference and all... I think he's worried that because I'm a much younger person to him that I might just be after his money or something and one day I'm just going to walk out on him or cheat on him with someone younger. That's basically what I believe based on his attitude and its so annoying so I told him he was suffocating me, he should buzz off and allow me some breathing space. I think I may have hurt his feelings"

"Kim I know that you can be really blunt sometimes but in cases like this you have to see with him. I mean yes he's an older guy and you're young, smart beautiful... I'm sure he never thought that he'd get so lucky to have someone like you in his life. So now he's scared that one day you might be gone, his actions are probably as a result of that and you can't really blame him for his insecurity he's still human after all" I said to her "All you have to do to see if he'll cut down off the controlling ways, is to reassure him. Let him know that you really like him and its not about the money or things that he can give you, you're with him because of your feelings for him. Maybe if you continue doing that for a while, letting him know he's special he'll eventually start acting normal again"

"I can't believe you're giving me relationship advice" Kim chuckled "Usually its the other way around"

"Yeah but I can give good advice as well... Some of the time" I laugh.

"So, is that what you do with Sean? Reassure him?" Kim asked.

"Yeah, I make sure he knows that I'm with him for him not because of what he can give me. Sean knows that I really really like him, I don't leave any space for doubt because like you said sometimes older men can be a bit unsure and insecure when it comes to dating younger women" I replied "He may be classified as my sugar daddy by people who view relationship with such large age difference like that but that doesn't mean I want to be viewed or classified as a gold digger"

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