Chapter 1 | From the Beginning

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Chapter 01

From the Beginning


       My story was not one most people would tell. If you could have seen me right then, standing there in that gymnasium, you would have thought I was like any other sixteen year old girl; my blonde hair was tied high, I was dressed in tights and a loose, orange tank top, trying to dance. I’m normal right? Well, define normal.

       I had only taken up dance again the year before. I had to say that lyrical was my favourite style, although on any other given day I might say hip-hop is the best. As for right now, I had my point shoes on listening to the string quartet. My instructor had left an hour prior, but I didn’t want to stop just yet. It was a big day for me.

       Today was the day I switched homes, cities, and Marshals. Today was my new beginning.

       I leaned forward on my toes and held, waiting for my signal to stop, just when the door creaked open.

       “Olivia, you’re getting so good.”

       I fell out of my dance and turned to the sound. A smile lit my face when I recognized Jason, my old Marshal.

       “Thank you, Jason,” I said. “I’ve really been practicing hard.”

       “I can tell. You’ve really grown into yourself this year.” Jason shoes squeaked on the basketball court as he made his way to my.

       “I’m not sure I understand,” I replied. It was true; I didn’t know what that sentence meant. How could I grow into myself if I was always this height?

       “Not in the literal sense. It means you have matured.” Jason stopped in front of me and laughed.

       “Looks like I haven’t grown into comprehension quite yet.” I reached out and held up a hand in front of him. He mirrored me, a thin layer of air between our hands.

       “Don’t worry,” Jason said. “It will come easier once you’re around people your own age. Speaking of which, are you all packed?”

       I nodded and pointed to my duffel bag in the corner under the bleachers. It didn’t hold much, just a pair of jeans, a change of leggings, and three other tops, some under garments, and a water bottle in case I got thirsty.

       “Well it’s time to go. Do your dance one more time though, I’ll say you’re in the bathroom.” He held up two fingers and tapped his forehead. That was my way of giving a kiss.

       Jason was nice enough to restart the song as he passed by the dock. I heard the door swing shut and I resumed my dance. I hit every beat, smiling at how easy it came. My instructor would be proud.

       When I was finished, I untied the pink laces on my legs and pulled off my point shoes. I slipped on my fuzzy socks and put my feet into my warm, sheepskin boots. The Marshals really did give me anything I wanted, and now that I was leaving I didn’t know how to thank them.

       I didn’t fret about it; I just pulled on my Marshals jacket and got up. Walking to the door was the easy part. Opening it was another story. I was so excited to finally be allowed to leave the compound, but I was also scared about what I was leaving behind. Was I ready for this, would I really be okay? I took a deep breath and I walked out the door.

       “Olivia!” Jason called. “Come meet your new Marshal.”

       Still holding my breath, I walked to where he was. He was standing with a woman a little taller than me.

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