Chapter 2 | She Clocked Me

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Chapter Two

She Clocked Me


I stared after Olivia's retreating figure with a mix of hatred and admiration. Anger boiled inside =, although I already knew I would never actually hurt her.

"Mom," I spit, trying to be as calm as possible. "She just clocked me."

 She stared at me blankly. "I know, but you have to try, for me. That girl has had nothing but mistreatment her entire life and-"

"I don't care!" I shouted. Seconds later Devin and Hayden came running out of the house. "She doesn't get to come barging in here, looking just like her, and punch me in the face!"

"Wait, she punched you?" Devin exclaimed. Mom shot him a look to say he wasn't helping.

"I know she looks similar when you first see her, but there are striking differences. You'll realize that in just a few minutes if you would grow up."

"Grow up," I muttered. "That great, just great."

"So wait, Olivia hit you?" Hayden asked, a small grin on his face. "What the hell did you do?"

 “Nothing," I replied harshly.

“He touched her," Mom replied more nicely. "She has an aversion to touch, and I told you not to touch her. She freaked out this morning when I tried to put an arm on her shoulder, It’s not just you.” Mom had a defeated look on her face. “She has nowhere else to go Logan and she’s in danger. We can’t just throw her out on the streets.”

“She is crazy. If she can’t go anywhere else, put her in a mental hospital.”

“For the millionth time, she’s not crazy, just damaged. She will warm to us all. She and Jason have a great relationship.”

“Whatever, she still isn’t staying in the guest house.” I wasn’t dropping this. 

“Fine, I’ll stay with her in the guest house tonight, you can move back into the real house,” Mom replied. I could tell from the look on her face that the offer was as good as it gets.

“Fine,” I said, turning back into the house. “I’m going to give Justin a bath, and Devin, you’re helping me.”

“What, why me?” Devin asked.

“Because you’re the one who painted him,” I supplied. He didn’t even argue, just followed me into the woods.

Since Devin had already painted our little brother two other times, and he really was that unoriginal, Justin knew to meet us in my house. We walked down the path that led to the guest house, which was really my own house. Mom decided it was a good sweet sixteen present. Over the past two years I’d barely come out.

Justin was sitting on a big rock out front waiting for us.

“I thought you were never going to come!” Justin exclaims. He was always impatient.

I couldn’t help but smile. Justin was only six years old and just about the cutest thing in existence. Well him and Collin, seeing as they were identical twins.

“Well I’m here now,” I said picking him up. Thankfully I was wearing an old T-shirt that already had paint on it. “Let’s get you washed up.”

I took Justin into my bathroom and sat him on an old chair as Devin filled up the tub with bubble bath. After a few minutes of silence, Hayden and Collin came to find us. 

“Hey guys,” Hayden said as I was dumping water over Justin’s colored head. You could almost see his fair hair now. “I think we need a bro talk.”

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