Mezou Shouji (Boku no Hero Academia)

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GreenR: elloo!!!!

Law: it's only the first chapter, why do you have to be so loud?

GreenR: because I'm excited you dumbass trafo! It's so great to be writing. Again. Sort of.

Law: it's not even One Piece shot, why do I have to be here?

GreenR: well to be honest, I'm not happy about it either, but if I'm going to choose one of those dumbasses over there... *motions over to Boku no Hero Academia boys*

Katsuki: *explodes and yells*

Aizawa: *plays caterpillar*

Deku: *mumbles something about heros and scribbles incredibly fast into his notebook*

Todokori: ..................*stares coldly*

GreenR: ...I think you get the picture.

Oh wait, the reader is already here.

Sorry for the argument.

Law:I'm not sorry.

GreenR: shut up or I am going to feed you grilled lizards.

Nice reading!! :)


You were laying on your bed and staring up at the ceiling, which was covered in small stars that glowed in the dark. There were many different constallations, like "dancing cat" you had formed there yourself. Shouji used to think it was goat until you explained why it definitely was not.

The stars were just a little part of the small apartment that were made by you two. Like the walls that had been painted over and over again because neither of you liked the original colour nor the one the other decided for. It had been a tough match, but finally you had to compromise, so now the apartment looked like someone blew up a rainbow inside it.

You sighed and knotted your fingers together on your stomach. There was a reason why you were being so uncharacteristically nostalgic today. You had to tell Shouji something important. That there won't be the two of you anymore. Days of duo were over. Forever. At least as long as you got your say at this.

"I'm home," you heard him calling from the hallway and then some rustle when kicked off his boots. You didn't say anything back and waited until he came looking for you. Your workday was over so he knew you should be home.

"You alright?" He appeared on bedroom's door and saw you looking as gloomy as Easter Bunny on Halloween. You nodded. Then waited a moment and then shook your head. "Which one then?" You assumed he was smiling, although you couldn't really see because of the mask on his face.

"Ummmm...." you hummed, not knowing what to say. "C'm'ere," you patted the matress next to you, motioning to him to lay down. He did and cleared your throat, waiting. You knew he would be happy at your news, statement, just because it was what sort of person he was. But even if you know that the news will be received just fine, there is still a problem of how to say them.

"I gotta ask something from you," he finally said when the silence was already getting so thick you could cut it with a knife and use instead of butter. "It's important."

"Me too," you scrunched your eyebrows together. Then you sat up and crossed your legs. "I mean, what I have to say is important, not me." You were wringing your fingers although that was the habit that annoyed you the most about yourself. "Do you go first or do I?"

"On three?"

"Okay," you answered and he sat up as well. That was what you always did when both of you had something to say and you couldn't decide who should go first, because obviously the one whose news were more important should go first and that importance thing you can't really decide until you have heard both of them and then it sort of loses meaning. If that makes any sense to you. I know it does to me. But that doesn't mean anything.

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