Eustass Kidd (One Piece)

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GreenR: I have actually published this shot once in my One Piece book, but since there I got a lot of requests to write part two, and I had absolutely no room left to do so, I am publishing it in this book. And so it wouldn't get confusing, I'm adding the part one too.

Law: how come you write about stupid ketchup head so much, but still nothing about me?

GreenR: because you are already the fangirls' favourite.

Law: awwww. Come on...

GreenR: and if I did, I wouldn't soon be able to fit in the same room with you and your ego.


You bolted up from the bench near school when you saw your best friend coming over. You almost tripped over your shoelace and barely managed to avoid falling flat on your stomach.

"Morning," you mumbled as you bent over to tuck the laces in sneaker. You got up again and picked your bag up, flushed.

"What's happened to you?" Law cocked an eyebrow and you choked.

"What do you mean?"

"You're acting weirder than usual. And that's like really, realky weird, by normal human standards."

"I'm not weird," two of you starred going towards the school, you looking around you all the time. "But ummm...."

"What is it?" Your eyes found the right face in the crowd and your heart did a small backflip. Law looked in the same direction as you did and grimaced. "Oh no."

"He just moved next to us," you fiddled with your chemistry notebook. "I mean, look at him."

"Yeah I met his mum when they moved here," Law took the notes from you before you could rip them to parts and flipped through them to find today's homework.

"Fuck, he's cute. I hope he likes girls. But he's cute and my luck is shitty so I can't get my hopes up," you murmured. Then you realised something, "why did you meet his mum?"

"She's an alpha," Law didn't find the homework and stuffed the notes back into your bag pocket. "Since I'm -technically- an omega," fact that Law didn't like all too much, "she asked me to join her pack."

"Seriously?!" Few heads turned your way and you repeated yourself. Just in a quieter way this time.

"I declined, of course," Law scratched his arm in a place where you knew he already had a pack tattoo.

"No I mean, he's a werewolf?" your eyes turned to the cute redhead sitting in the corner of schoolyard, he was smiling amusedly. "So he has heard every fucking word I said....."

"Oh he definitely heard you," Law grinned wolfishly. That fucking fucker! Why didn't he warn you? One day, you swore, one day you were going to kill him until he was dead.

"I'm going to die," you simply said, all of your body suddenly feeling very hot and you prayed to all the gods that may be at the godly answering machine right now, to open a large hole in the earth and let it swallow you. "I am going to die and it's all your fault."

"Ain't my fault you have no goddamn filter on you," Law shrugged as he struggled with a lock on his locker. It was stuck. Again. "But hey, he now knows you think he is cute. That's a start."

"No," you said sternly. "He will think I am some sort of weirdo who has no social life and stalks him on free time."

"Just umm...take a deep breath," Law tried to play psychology expert. He sucks as that. No empathy whatsoever. "And think about when we first met. I didn't like you either and thought you were a creep."

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