Genos (One - Punch Man)

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GreenR: Hellooo!!!!! It's time for a piece of everyone's favourite superhero! Or, you know, my favourite superhero.

And one more thing before I forget. I've gotten a few requests recently and I wanted to let you guys know that I will not be writing smut. Nope. No way. I'm sorry, but even if the request was about smut, you won't get it.

It isn't like I have anything against smut, but I am just so horrible at writing sex scenes it is ridiculous. So please, if you have something you wanna read that is fluffy and puffy or sad and smad, hit me up. But no hooking up. :)

Thanks and have a nice....what is it now...night?


"Ya need to stay out of trouble," you said through gritted teeth, trying to get one stubborn screw back into Genos' arm. "It's the third time this month since you teamed up with that guy who looks kinda like banana." 

"Saitama - sensei," Genos corrected you, making you roll your eyes. You didn't understand how he could look up to such a teacher who couldn't even keep his apprentice safe from monsters. Who cares that the apprentice was already a grown man and a hero on top of that. The teacher should protect him.

 The screw slipped off the screwdriver again and you puffed angrily, pushing hair from your eyes. You nearly wished he got so beaten up his cords would fry for once and all. An evil though, but even you were entitled to them sometimes. Not very often though.

Right now you felt as evil as you could. The work was going fine, but the other week you had had a big fight with your landlady, which had led to yet another fight with your parents. Just as you had managed to rid yourself of most of the stress of it, Genos had walked in your reapair shop with an arm in his hand. And for the first time you were sad that it wasn't someone else's arm, because now you also spent time worrying about your friend.

"What. Ever," you sighed and threw the screwdriver aside. "This thing is beyond repair now. Happy birthday and merry Christmas," you were really gruff. But you felt you had a reason to. It wasn't like you didn't like having people around shop, bringing in money. But when it was the same guy over and over again, fucking up perfectly good cyborg body, well, you stopped seeing the point of repairing him. It was like he wanted to be broken.

"Christmas was four months ago," Genos marked as you went to the back of the shop to see if there were any spare arms just laying around. There weren't. And you also didn't want to start building a new one from scratch. You sent a longing look at the broken arm, perhaps it wasn't as broken as you had thought. You knew it was a feeble hope. You were never wrong about machines. And right now your instinct was screaming that it was broken.

"I know," you sighed. There was no point in sarcasm with that guy. It just went down his metallic sides like machine oil. 

"I can be few days without one arm if you need time for it," he added. "If there is something very wrong with it."

You came out from the back and gave him a look - over. Somehow you doubted he could be few days without blowing himself up or getting beaten by some cosmic ogre from planet Gaara or whatever it was that heroes did for living. Looked good for news ads and stuff. Damn, and building full body parts was such a hassle. 

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