Nishimiya Yuzuru part 2 (Koe no Katachi)

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GreenR: hiya! How's it goin' for ya? Everything alright? Or not?

Oh by the way, it's the second part to that shot where Yuzuru is in the hospital.


It is so dark. So terribly dark. And it feels like I'm being pushed under water, every time I try to swim up, this horrible force comes upon me and shuts my eyes tighter than glue. I should give up swimming. It would be so much easier.

But there is this voice. It calls me.

I hear it sometimes. I know that voice. I've heard that before. I love that voice. I try to swim towards it. Voice becomes clearer. But only by little bit. Like a broken radio.

Sorry. It keeps repeating that word. I can't hear anything else.

Sometimes the voice sings to me. It talks a lot. To me, I think. But it is always so hazy and distant, more like music than words.

For this voice I will swim on.

The sea is dark and stormy again and I beat against the waves. I want to get out of here.

It's like a chain, holding onto my feet, keeping me under water. I pull an pull on the chain and it becomes tighter around my ankle until it snaps. I shoot up to the surface, towards the light above it. My head becomes clear as I get out of the water. I take a deep breath and open my eyes...

You were reading to Yuzu that day. You had specifically chosen a book about fairy tale-like romances, just because you knew she would hate these. And maybe she would wake up finally to tell you to shut up and throw that book out of the window. Nothing else had helped so far so it was as good strategy as any.

Suddenly you heard the machines attached to Yuzu beeping loudly in alarm and you shot up just the moment doctor ran in. She was dying for no apparent reason.

You stood aside and watched the doctors and nurses run around her, trying to bring her back. Somewhere in the back of your mind you were wondering how you could be so calm. It was weird. You should have been trashing around right now, fighting to get to her, fighting for a chance to say goodbye. Instead, you just stood there and watched, as the medics started to lose hope and declared her dead.

They looked at you, silently apologising. Mad at themselves for not being able to do more. Losing a life is never easy, especially if that life is not yours to lose. You waited until they left the room, saying that they would give you a moment of silence with her. They needed to tell other relatives anyways.

You walked to her bed and looked at Yuzu's silent and peaceful face. She was still wearing the mask that helped her breathe, so you took it off and set on the pillow next to her head. If it wasn't for the calmness about her you could have sworn she was just still sleeping.

"I won't see you soon," you whispered and brushed her dark hair off her face. The hair was longer than she would have liked, but it just had kept growing while she was in hospital, so now it was flowing over her shoulders. You leaned down above her and pressed a kiss on her forehead.

"Goodbye," you held her hand for the last time and then you walked out.

You planned to live your life to the fullest and do everything she had wanted to as well. For that you took her bucket list and set of the same night, not even staying for funreal. You later heard that Yuzu's family didn't take it very happily.

It took you more than twelve years to finish the list, mainly because it had lots of travelling in it and you had to do most of it by hitchhiking. Let's be honest, not all of us can jump on a plane for a trip around the world as soon as they take a fancy in it. And the list was just alltogether very damn long. Yuzu had had lots of plans.

And you tried every weird food she would have liked, climbed few mountains, swimmed with sharks and dolphins. Nothing was too crazy for you. You learned to fly a plane and jump out of them and juggled with torches on fire. You weren't afraid for your life, because you thought that she wouldn't be. Bit of a man on a suicide mission, but at least you found a meaning for your life.

After completing the list, you went back to home to finally see where she was buried. It was a small grave, well groomed. It wouldn't be like her sister to let it grow full of moss, you decided with a smile. You set a large bouquet of flowers on her grave, like you had done when she was still in hospital. You also talked to her. well, to her grave. But in your mind she was standing next to it and listening to you with the same cynical smile she always had. She looked exactly the way she had on the day of the accident.

Finally you told her goodbye and decided to stay in the town for a bit before heading off again. Afterv so many years of running around you did not want to get chained to one place. And there was nothing to hold you here anyways.

But as you were crossing the street you didn't notice the car driving towards you. It didn't slow down, you barely had time to register the screech of the brakes before the wave of pain hit you. Everything happened so fast and your head hit the concrete with a sound that made you sick. Everything went dark.

You died.

And then it was light again. You saw Yuzu's face above you, smiling

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