Tenya Iida (Boku no Hero Academia)

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GreenR: .......*stares at her phone*

Law: .........are you gonna set fire to that?

GreenR: nah. I'm thinking.

Law: that's the first- *gets thrown out of window*

GreenR: I think I wanna do second part to it. Maybe. Would it be alright? I think so.

And by the way, sorry Ten-chan

Tenya: *on the ground in pain* ....I'm....alright.....

GreenR: yeah, sorry, that was necessary. You'll get hang of it after first few shots.

Nice readin'


You looked up to the podium where the student body president was giving a speech, but your eyes were glassy and you didn't really see or hear much of it. Anyways, it must have been the same as always. Doing good in life and fighting evil and learning new things. What you were thinking about was much more important.

Your crossed your arms on your lap and frowned a bit. All of the classes were sitting in the first five rows of the auditorium, and the rest was family people. Friends. People who came in, hoping to get cake. There was no cake, but they didn't know it. Sshh.

The important matter in your mind was a sad one. You were pregnant. Not that it was sad. Because of it you were little excited and very afraid. Well, who wouldn't be? And you were only twenty.

The sad part about it was that you couldn't tell your boyfriend. You knew it wasn't right. And you swore yourself that you would tell him one day. Later. But right now, knowing him, he couldn't be a hero anymore if he had a family to take care of. Hero is a dangerous job after all. And being it was also his dream, you just couldn't bring yourself to destroy it. So that left you with only one choice. Leave him. Only the thought of it hurt like the seventh round of hell but hey, that's what love is. If you love him you have to let him go.

Few of you are probably thinking why you didn't just get an abortion. You had thought about it. It would have made things much easier. But at the same time you already loved that bundle of cells inside you, even if it made you feel nauseous in the mornings and was giving you weird cravings. You didn't want to lose something that was part of you.

You liked your parents, but the three of you were never really emotionally attached to eachother. They cared about you, but you were already a big girl and they thought you could take care of yourself, after all, they had lives to live too. It had been like this for over thirteen years now.

So you wanted to be a good parent. You didn't want your baby to feel abandoned, like you did. Or cry themselves to sleep because mommy and daddy weren't home again and you were afraid of the dark. You wanted this child to have a family. Love.

Finally the speech ended and you were shaken out of your thoughts, clapping dutifully and pretending you had heard what the speech was about. There was few more of these long long long speeches that repeated themselves a lot. There was few more of these long long long speeches that repeated themselves a lot. There was few more of these long long long speeches that repeated themselves a lot. There was few more of these long long long speeches that repeated themselves a lot. There was few more of these long long long speeches that repeated themselves a lot. And then it was over.

After the ceremony, students left with their families and friends to celebrate finally being free. Big part of them had chosen college so they didn't know what was waiting for them. Pshh, losers. They will never be free.

You did so too, but before you asked your parents to wait a few moments and went to look for Iida. Better do it fast, like bandages, then it will hurt less. That's actually pure bullshit. It hurts less for a moment but after that it hurts much more. Much, much more.

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