Marco (One Piece)

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GreenR: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!


"Dude, don't worry, it'll pass," you said while filling up mugs of beer and handing them to the waitress over the counter. It was a real quiet day, so there wasn't much for you to do. When you had finished up serving the order, you went over to your friends you had been just talking to.

"It's easy for you to say," Ace mumbled into the counter and then turned his head so he could look at you. "Am I really that bad?"

"No. No," you said quickly, not wanting to get him down even more. He just sighed again, seeing through your horrible acting skills.

"Maybe a little," you added. "You sort of act like a child most of the time. And forget stuff a lot. And set things on fire. And fall asleep in weird places. And-"

"Y/n I don't think he's breathing anymore," Marco, who had been quietly sitting on Ace's side, said now. Oh dearie, too much negativity can really kill a person.

"Oi. Pyromaniac," you patted Ace's head. "I'm saying, you'll get over her. Tomorrow you won't even remember this break-up pain."

"In the rate he's going through that booze he won't," Marco added. Ace was now sniffing sadly, still head-down on the counter and looking more miserable than ever. Which was really very miserable.

"Dude, you're not bad at all," you leaned your elbows on the counter and leaned over to Ace to pat his head. "It just didn't work out between you and Poppy. It will next time. Or time before that. Or, you know." You stopped talking when you realised that being realistic was getting the way of being nice.

"Y/n, you're real great," Ace sniffed, slurring his words a little bit because of all the ale he had loaded on board. "Wanna go out with me?"

"Ha, no," you sat on the high stool behind the counter and got yourself a drink as well. "I'm too happy being single. And you're not my type anyways."

"Whyyyyyy~~~" he pouted, but because the levels of blood and booze in his body were almost even, it looked like he had bitten a lemon, then drank some vodka and then been punched in the face. Repeatedly.

"You're a child," you smiled at him gleefully.

"Yes~" he smiled back, not even realising what he was saying yes to. Like me most of the day. My physics teacher will figure if out soon though.

"Do you wanna go home now? You're busted."

"Home. Yes," Ace had straightened up a bit and was nodding to what you had said. "Do you have a pillow? I'm sleepy." And he fell backwards on the ground with a loud bang. "Ow."

"And now's the time we really get going," Marco sighed and got up as well, dragging Ace up from the ground. Drunk stood up straight for a second, then tripped over nothing and would have slammed in the counter and broken his nose if Marco hadn't catched him. Thank you Marco. That boy has the nose of a god so I would prefer if he keep that.

"I'm fine," Ace stuttered, wrapping his hand around the blond to stand up. "I'm cone sold stober." He scrunched his eyebrows together like a worried toddler."That wasn't right."

"Wait a second," you said, heading for the backroom. "My shift's over and we're heading the same way, right? I'll tag along." The town you lived in was no happy elf village and had it's share of pirates and robbers stooping by. And even though you knew how to protect yourself from thugs, you didn't like to go out on the streets alone. Especially at night.

You got your things from the back and made sure that Kayla, the waitress of the night knew you were going. But the next shift should be there in few minutes, so there shouldn't be any problems with that.

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