Marco part 2 (One Piece)

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GreenR: I fell while skating so funnily, I actually messed my knee up. So I've been sort of limping around for a while now. It hurts like hell, but also makes me feel like Kaz Brekker. But without the cane. And I also don't have Inej. All I have is the pain.

Anyways, this shot is a really happy and nice one. I felt bad after I ended the last one so sadly so I thought I should try to make it up a bit.

Nice readin'!


You were sitting on the floor, crying your eyes out after hearing the news. At first you couldn't believe them. But then, after realising they were true, some numbness came over you. Why did being alive have to hurt so much?

You heard slow, loud knocks on the door. Probably the lady from next door again. Her cat was lost more than it was at home, so you were used to her visits. But right now you didn't really feel like talking to anyone. Even not about cats. You were more of a dog person anyways.

The knocks sounded again, louder this time and you got up from the ground and headed for the door. Even if it was just to tell the lady to go away. Politely of course.

You wiped your cheeks with the back of your hand, hoping you didn't look to out of shape and opened the door. It was not the lady next door. It wasn't the cat either. Well, of course it wasn't the cat. Cats don't knock. Why should they knock if they already own the place? And cats own the whole world. ("Simba, everything the light touches is ours")

"Fancy seeing you here," you grimaced a bit at how harsh your words sounded. There stood the last person you wanted to see right now. Of course there was. And you were at your weakest as well. Universe has that really peculiar way of fucking you sideways.

"Come on in then," you stepped aside and opened the door a little wider for him. As soon as he was inside, he hugged you and leaned his head on your shoulder. Wooo man, don't you know about the personal space. Stay out of it.

"I'm so sorry," he mumbled quickly, stuttering with his words. "So...sorry..."

You first thought had been about kicking him out of the apartment, but as soon as he was close to you, you didn't want to be alone anymore either. So you started crying again. Loud, heavy hiccups and tears. The hardest way of crying there is. The one that makes your head hurt and eyes run dry.

"Why?" You sobbed and dug your nails into his shoulders. You felt him crying as well, just hiding his face while doing so.

The two of you stayed there for the longest time, until tears dried up and you started gaining some control over your body again. Marco was still holding onto your shoulders so tightly it was hurting a bit. Like he needed your support to stand up. But you didn't walk away either.

Finally he let you go and looked away from you. His eyes were rimmed with red and there were dark bags under them, as if he hadn't properly slept for weeks.

"What happened?" Your throat felt hoarse and you walked back in the living room you had been in before. It was getting rather dark outside, but you didn't turn on any lights.

" captured," he winced a little at the name and you too felt as if someone had kicked you in the guts. Your little brother was gone now. And your father as well.

"We...went him..." he continued, every word heavy in his mouth. "We...almost got him out," his eyes turned blank and you went to wrap your arms around his shoulders again.

"It wasn't your fault," you whispered. No matter how bad you were hurting right now, you were so glad you didn't have to see it yourself. "None of it was. Stop it," you said when he was trying to argue.

"What's the crew gonna do now?" You asked after long minutes of silence. "Are you gonna be the captain now?" Then you realised it was a little insensitive thing to ask. But now, more than ever the crew needed someone to guide them. This broken person in front of you just needed to get the shit together.

"Ye," he cleared his throat. "Yeah. Thank you," Marco moved away from you and straightened up. "I really needed that."

"You're welcome," you pushed Ace and pops into the back of your mind and sealed them with a lock. Right now the crying time was over and reality started to kick back in. Even though you no longer considered yourself part of the crew, they had been your family ever since you were little, and you felt somewhat responsible for them.

"But what are you gonna do now?" You pulled your feet under you, curling into a misshapen oval humany-thingy. (Because curling into a ball is so last year) "Aren't you guys even more wanted than before?"

You probably shouldn't have mentioned that. Marco's eyes gained a harsh gleam, like polar ice in the middle of a night and his thin lips formed a straight line. You could practically see the murderous aura gathering around him as he sat there.

"We're gonna give them back what they did to us," he finally said, voice calm like a dog before stepping on a banana peel. (Somehow I feel like this doesn't exactly give off the serious vibe I was aiming for)

"Good," you nodded. He was better with some sort of purpose. It gave him edge. Otherwise he was just a lost puppy without an owner. Like he had been before joining Whitebeard's crew. You weren't sure if you could call it Whitebeard's anymore. But what then?

"Send me their heads in a basket then," you said with a little sad smile. If they were going off to hunt marines from now on, you probably wouldn't see them too often. And it was usually Ace anyways who had come to visit you, sometimes taking few others with him. He was good little brother.

Marco looked for a moment like he wanted to say something again, but then simply nodded lightly. You were grateful for it. You weren't sure if you would have had strenght to say no if he had asked you to come with them again. This island was getting colder and unfriendlier by day, and you had been playing with the thought of leaving for months.

"You know what," you sniffed as you got up from your place on the couch. "You have to leave tomorrow, so tonight we're gonna honor our family by getting as drunk as possible. And by setting something fire," you grabbed his arm and dragged him up from the ground.

Two hours later you stood in front of the mayor's house. It was going up in these really pretty bluish and purplish flames and there also seemed to be a lot of ashes around you, because everything was so damn blurry.

Oh wait. Not entirely ashes, although there was lot of it as well, but tears. So you were officially a crying drunk.

"Somehow it doesn't feel as good as I thought it would," Marco said thoughtfully.

"I don't know," you reached on the side and picked up his hand, gripping his fingers to leg him know you were there. Fuck, his hands were covered in soot. "It feels pretty damn okay to me."

The next day he went off to the sea again and you stayed on the island. The pain of losing Ace got slowly duller but never disappeared. Why should it? He had been your favourite brother.

Had been.

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