Roronoa Zoro (One Piece)

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Heyyyyyyy.... I guess I'm back? I just felt like writing again, and this is my favourite platform soooo..... uh, please enjoy what my brain came up with.


"Sanjiiiiiii!!!!" you called from the kitchen that was rapidly filling with black smoke and heavy smell of dirty socks being burned. "Your shit is on fire again!"

That made the blond cook beeline for the kitchen and pull the oven open with such force he nearly ripped the door  of its hinges. He tried to grab the metal form inside with bare hands before cursing and grabbing the oven mittens from the counter. The form with a little singed pie was placed on the table before he could stick his burned hands under cold water. Because as we all know, saving your food is more important than having skin on your hands.

Thankfully having no skin on his hands would be an exaggeration, as his hands were only barely red - he had touched the form light enough so it shouldn't leave any marks for the future.

Your roommate was not the most brilliant cook in the world and he knew it very well. But what he lacked in the pure natural talent, he made up with working harder than anyone else. That was the reason your flat was always filled with the smell of food and some smoke, as not every project came out perfect, and often would even need some work before they were edible at all. 

"Is that for lunch?" you eyed the pie on the table curiously. 

"Ow...yes, yes," Sanji sighed and pulled his hands out from under the cold water. "It's broccoli and string beans."

"Oh, yummy," you were hungry just from thinking about the great meal waiting for you. It may seem heartless that you weren't worried about Sanji at all, but he pulled this shit like eight times a week, if you started mothering him every time he did something stupid, you would have been worrying all the time and there would have been no one to film his idiotic stunts and laugh at him. "But here's a lot...Either you are pregnant and eating for two, or we are asking the cute neighbours to join us. And since you get no action at all, my money is on the second option."

Sanji blushed lightly and looked away. You really should start cashing the money in from such bets. You would be a millionaire in a week. Although, we must remember that gambling is really bad for you and you should never do that (unless the mark of your bets is your fucked-up roommate).

"I was more like.....thinking, maybe, um.... we could take half over there? I don't know if... That would be weird if we just asked them for lunch out of the blue, wouldn't it?" he stumbled over his words, wringing the kitchen towel between his hands. His eyes stayed on the towel the whole time he spoke and gradually his face got redder and redder. You sighed and smiled to yourself.

Sanji had had a crush on the girl living next door from the time she had moved in, which made it into half a year already. Even if he was smooth and flirty with absolutely every girl he met (and some guys), the moment things got dangerous for his heart he lost the ability to speak and think straight. Thanks to you being the wingman this time, the two of you had struck quite a friendship over the year. Although the girl had asked in the beginning if your friend hated her, because he never talked to her if she was trying to be friendly.

"I got this babe," you gave him a light punch on the shoulder and walked onto the small balcony. You leaned over the iron border that was supposed to protect you from falling to your death on the ground, and knocked on the glass door of the flat next to yours. Some voices were heard calling inside and you knocked again. This time the voice came closer and as you leaned even closer in to knock the third time, the door opened and you accidentally punched the guy who stepped out.

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