Sanji Vinsmoke (One Piece)

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GreenR: okay, I think I'll try to make them a little more romanticy after this one. This one came out funny. And sad. And then really happy. Nevermind.

Kisses and hugs to all of you!

Good reading!


As soon as you got home you threw your bag into the corner of the room and started up your computer. It was almost Christmas, so every single website you opened blared at you with all sorts of elf banners and present icons. Especially bad was Tumblr. At there people had started already in November, just as soon as the Halloween had been over.

Despite your grumpy thoughts now, you were in the mood as well. But there was no time for it right now. So you ignored the temptations of internet and the websites it tangled at you seductively and also your wallpaper that showed rows of Santas, reminding you that you had almost no Christmas presents ready. Instead you went on to click on the Skype icon and checked if you had any missed calls, Nada.

After a quick look on the clock to see about the time zones, you called to first person on your list. You waited for few moments and they picked up. A few more moments so the shitty camera would start working and you yelled out a cheery greeting.

"Hi," laughed back the blond boy on the screen and you grinned. It was the highlight of your every day, to be able to talk to him, no matter what happened. Despite being on the other side of planet, he was the only one who always picked your calls up, it's more than you can say about some people in the same town as you.

"I've got some news," you said on a singsong voice, not being able to keep it to yourself.

"Good, I hope," Sanji picked a little on his camera, setting it so it wasn't so out of focus anymore. "Let me guess, you got the part in'Rent'?"

"Even better," you did a little happy dance. "Guess who finally scraped together enough for a Christmas trip!?"

"NO WAY!" you screamed loudly in unison. YES WAY! GERARD WAY! MIKEY WAY!

"But after that I'm also very very very very broke so I have to stay at your place," you said a little awkwardly. You had been doing extra at work for months to get even that sum together. That had to do. Or you'd have to wait half a year more to go there.

"No problem," he said quickly, so you wouldn't change your mind about coming. "Usopp and Luffy are both going home for holidays so only Idiot will be here. And he doesn't take too much room, just sleeps. And if gets in the way, we can just push him out of here. The moment he's outside alone, he'll get lost and won't be back before couple of days.

"Oh come on," you laughed at the picture that was forming in your head at his words. "You shouldn't talk that way. He's still your friend."

"Thanks," you heard a voice say from behind Sanji's back and you waved a greeting at the green-haired punk standing at the doorway, leaning againste the wall. "By the way, Luffy won't be going," he continued after giving you a small nod. "His dad broke both his feet so he doesn't want to see anyone for couple millennia or so," he sighed, as if he couldn't understand how sick people could be so grumpy.

"Wait what?" Sanji turned slightly to talk. "Are Ace and Sabo coming here then?"

"Yap," you groaned inwardly. Maybe it would be so crowded no that you couldn't go. That means the next time both of you had enough time to properly meet up was months and months away.

"Oh fucknuggets," you said out loud, hating your negative thoughts. "Maybe we'll just skip it this time?" You said hesitantly, scratching the back of your head. "It'll get way too crowded."

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