Obito Uchiha part 2 (Naruto)

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"Are you sure it's not them?" You looked at the sulky teen boredly. You had looked at the same photos for three times already. Most of them were the people you had seen around the town once or twice. Actually, the place being as small as it was, it would have been a wonder if there was someone in the town you hadn't met yet. Well except for tha mafiosos. You

"Do you have anyone else that could fit?" You sighed and leaned your head on your hand.

"We have some that fit," he said while pulling up the files on screen. "But all robbery times and sightings of them didn't fit so I put them aside."

The first face that appeared on the screen gave you a start. It was Ran. But you did your best not to move a muscle and shook your head. Not her.

Well, to be honest it was her. When teen (you had learned that his name was Sasuke but it was one heck of a long name so you were just calling him Sulkeen in your head. In case you are wondering: sulking + teenager = Gerard way is afraid/ Sulkeen) had set the robot of the robber up for comparison, you realised they were exactly the same person. Only thing different were the scars on robber's face.

Your best friend and the person you hated the most in this world were exactly the same.

"None of them," you sighed when you had finished with these profiles as well.

"Maybe you should run the check again," Tobi stepped closer to the two of you. "The program could have missed someone."

"I wrote that program," teenager was blazing. Oh dear, someone here can't admit their mistakes.

"So what?"

"I do not make mistakes," that is a small god complex that is going on in here. Little more and we'll have Ligh Yagami vol. 2 in our hands. Just with weirder hair. Has anyone else noticed that Sasuke's hair looks kinda like duck's butt?

"Yeah yeah kiddo," Tobi patted him on the head and turned his chair towards the computer. "You just run the program again and I'll take the witness to breath some fresh air. Y/n's brain is already clogged up in here. You should really clean in here." That was a bad joke. You had probably never seen a lab that was cleaner. Everything had their right place, books set by system, tool in the drawers by numbers.

"My brain wasn't clogged up," you said when the two of you were finally in his car and driving towards the town center.

"Yeah sure. Who is she?"

"Who is who?" You got the meaning but that didn't mean you couldn't try to pretend you hadn't. And that was just one heck of a weird sentence.

"The girl, the robber," you finally noticed what road he was driving by. It was the way to Ran's home. She probably wouldn't be there right now. It was already pretty late and most of the nights were party nights for her.

"I refuse," you said stubbornly. "Ran is kind of a pushy jackass, but she's my jackass, okay. I refuse to admit that she would do some thing like this to us."

"You mean your father?"

"Someone's been nosy with my personal files," you were really fucking done with these files. Kinda like a biography, that was written without your consent or knowledge. "Yeah, I mean my old man."

"You weren't friends back then. She couldn't have known."

"Are you protecting her?" Yeah, now you were pissed. Like very very very extremely ultra pissed.

"No, I'm just saying she didn't know. So she couldn't have known about how the thing would end for your family."

"No one did," your hand involuntarily went to your jacket pocket. Well, it wasn't technically your jacket, since you had been dragged from home even without shoes. But you had stolen one of Tobi's suits and acclaimed it as your own. You needed to hold you gun somewhere. Although you had almost no idea, how to actually use it when time came. You hadn't had much time for target practice.

"So it's her. I mean, looks like her," he corrected quickly when he sensed devilish aura appearing around you.


In few minutes you were in front of the place where Ran lived and you said you'd better go up alone. Or otherwise you'd have the same situation as with you. And it would be bad, because Ran was good at karate. Or at least had been during high school. You doubted if she had forgotten much since then.

You knocked on her door and opened it without waiting for her to come. She never locked her door.

The flat was empty, except for the note on the table and a small disk next to it, you picked the note up and started to read. The disk you put in your pocket.

The note had only few words on it: I am sorry for your father. Goodbye.

You sighed and leaned against the kitchen table. Ran was so stupid. The reason why you had been looking for her for so long, was because you had wanted to thank her.

Your old man had been a brute. He had taken everything your mother and older sister had and spent it on drink. Then he had gotten sick and all the money had gone on medicine. If Ran hadn't done what she did that evening, you never would have broken out. You had searched for long to thank her for that, although she probably felt horrible for doing something like that to your family.

"Guess I'm not seeing you any time soon," you mumbled to yourself and went downstairs to the car where Tobi was waiting for you.

"Gone?" he asked. You nodded and handed him the disk an your gun. Well, not your gun, the gun you had borrowed.

"Thanks," you tucked your hands in your pockets. "I needed to know who it was."

"Pleasure doing business."

"Yeah, well, later," you turned your back to him and walked away. To home.

That night you sat at home all alone. And you thought. Your sister had a family, even your mother was having fun with her friends. All you had had was Ran, and now she was gone and even if she came back, you would never be the friends you had been before.

By the early morning you reached a decision. You called to work and said you were sick, then you headed for the place you remembered the mafia headquarters to be.

The building was still as run-down and ugly as you remembered. There were no guards at the door, so you just walked in. The people were messing in about and you headed for the lab where Sulkeen resided.

"Hello there," you shrugged awkwardly in your too-big suit jacket. Teen nodded to acknowledge your presence.

"So tell me, where can I fill out a job application?"

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