Trafalgar Law (One Piece)

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GreenR: hej! I'm kinda really tired because it's almost christmas and you all know what that means?!

Law: presents?

GreenR: what? No! It means we will have exams again. I have three this period, and to be honest, I'm kinda scared for the Latin one. I always get nervous during this subject's tests, so I don't even want to imagine what will happen during an exam.

Law: psssh, just calm down. Worrying won't do you any good.

GreenR: you're right. Anyways, I should probably mention that in this shot the reader is a demon, in case I didn't make it clear enough.

Law: why didn't you just add it to the headline?

GreenR:and make it a mile longer than it already is? No thanks.

Anyways, good reading!


You were having quite a normal day at Hell, before everything got worse. You might think,' matey, I'm in Hell, how can things get worse?' Yeah well, they could. Mainly because you were a demon. And you did not much like other realms besides your home one.

Anyways, your normal day got bad, when you felt a sudden tug of summoning in the pit of your stomach. Upon feeling it, you had exactly enough time to put away your toothbrush and wipe your mouth into your sleeve. Dammit, you thought angrily, that'd why they created specific sumnoning hours. I'm so not ready for that.

And then you were pulled through the fabric of time and space into another dimension. You took a quick look at your summoner and your surroundings and decided it was the water realm. Cool. Maybe you could have a mission to do something with whales.

You straightened up and inhaled, trying to look scary even though you were still wearing pyjamas and bunny slippers. Hey, at least you still had your horns and tail. And these pieces of tattered leather rips and tangly bones could very well pass for a pair of wings. Or a very good cosplay. One of them.

"Who dared to-" you coughed quickly to get rid of pitchy voice. "Who dares to summon the great ruler of fields of Asphodel?! Are you prepared to die unimaginably painful death?!" For a little effect you made the lines of summoning circle light up with blue flames.

"It worked," marked an unimpressed voice of your summoner. A short humanoid, female, you assumed, with funny two-coloured hair that was around its head like a ball. Oh wait, you remembered. That was something humans called hat. Demons didn't have these, because it would have gotten in a way of horns.

"Oh bloody hell," you went back to your normal voice and put out the fire on your slipper. "Let me guess: an atheist, scientist and cynic?"

"Catholic," humanoid looked amused at the game. "And a medical doctor for most of the time, but I guess scientist works as well."

"Don't you know you aren't supposed to talk to us?" You had already found the weak spot in the circle and were now ready to break out any moment you needed. But not yet. Killing summoner could wait, in case they had something important to say. Or just offered a way to chase away your boredom for at least an hour.

"There is nothing you can do to me, demon-ya," but you noticed he was already little tenser at the reminder, also ready to reach for the sword that was strapped on her back. Nice sword, you marked in your head. If you had to kill her later then you were going to take the sword for yourself.

"Oh don't worry girlie," you sat down, kinda tired already. Existing in another realm always drained your batteries like nothing else. "I don't want your soul or anything, just send me back well and nice after you get whatever it is what you want."

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