Eustass Kidd part 3 (One Piece)

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Law: *reads* "and he leaned down to kiss her, his hand slowly grasping the side of her face and brushing away loose strands of hair"

GreenR: okay, okay, I get your point.

Law: I'm just saying Green-ya, that if you wanna write something like that with Pinky-ya again, it won't work.

GreenR: that's beacause you One Piece guys come in way too big sizes

Law: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

GreenR: don't make that face. You know that I meant the height.

Law: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

GreenR: I mean, it is easy to write these bits about realistic guys. And there comes One Piece. I haven't checked recently, but if my memory serves me, Doflamino was almost 3m tall. (Sorry if that's extremely off)

Like, it'll be sooo easy to write about him right. One day I'm gonna write a story wher he accidentally crushes the reader, because that's basically what will happen. Unless you guys bring platforms in again.

Anyways, sorry for the long note, nice reading.

Law:( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


"Okay, we have fixed the big idiot," Law said when he walked in the kitchen. "Does anyone here have any food, before I have to become a cannibal," Shachi threw a watermelon at him, which turned into a big came of hot potato between the two of them. But instead of potato they used the watermelon. Until Shachi got hit in the face with it and broke his nose.

"By the way, Y/n" Penguin sat down next to you, smoothly setting one of his arms around your shoulders. "Shouldn't you be with our little patient at the moment.

"I'd hardly call him little," you mumbled between taking large bites of your sandwich. "And why should I be with him? Law's the doctor here, I barely know how to put on a band-aid without hurting myself even worse."

"Because you're the Beta," he said seriously. Thank goddess, you thought. You had already thought he meant-

"And because he's your maaaaaaate!" Penguing cooed into your ear and you slapped your hand over his mouth, anything to make him shut up, really. Law and Shachi started howling loudly, finally breaking out in laughter.

"You guys realise it's not funny, right?" You stood up from behind the table, your hands on your hips and the look in your eyes saying 'single mother with three sons'.

"Y/n and Kidd, sitting in a tree," wolves sung loudly. "K-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-I."

You were forced to sigh loudly and walk out of the kitchen so you wouldn't burst out laughing in front of them now that you were trying to be mad at the three idiots.

"And IIIIII caaaaaan't heeeeelp, faaaaalllling in loooooove wiiiiiith youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu," you still heard very off-key singing from behind you as you walked upstairs to check on Kidd. And definitely not because he was you mate or any of that shite. You were the Beta, that's all. If you keep telling yourself that for some time more, maybe I'll even believe you one day.

Upstairs you went to one of guest rooms that Law's family usually never used, but in case of Operation Full Moon which were perfect. In there you found a very grumpy sourwolf sitting on the bed, his leg wrapped so neatly in bandages that he could be the star of "The Return of the Mummy." Or at least his leg could.

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