Niizuma Eiji (Bakuman)

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GreenR: i have never ever ever written that character before, and I loved it. And I mean that I have never written anything about that manga either, so I had to dig out my collection again and read the whole thing over again to jog my memory.

Law: who even requested it?

GreenR: @@boiledwater I never thought that anyone except me would even want to see any fanfics about that manga or anime

Law: well, the world is full of surprises.

GreenR. Yup. And now lets go and get down to business to write the rest of our request-y bunch as well.

Nice readin'! And Happy New Year!


You picked up the manga from the floor and plopped down on the ground with it. You leafed though the thick book until you found the part you had been looking for. Then you started reading. But since you had read that bit few times before, you weren't reading really attentively.

Instead it helped you to concentrate while you were talking to the artist behind the desk, who was currently figuring out the sound effects. Either that or he head finally gone bonkers. It wouldn't have really surprised you if he had. he was already using the line between crazy and genius as a tightrope.

"Art looks good," you marked to him. "Congrats on winning."

"Thanks," he made only few second pause in noises, but never stopped drawing. You were used to it. It didn't mean that he wasn't listening to you. Eiji just never stopped drawing. Once there had even been time when you wondered if he even drew in his sleep. He didn't. You had checked.

"So you'll go to Tokyo?" You finished the chapter and started reading the next one. Gosh, that one's art was really bizarre. Interesting as well. But still weird. Not too easy to understand.

"Next week-ssshhhaaa!"

"And school?" It will be lonely out there, y'know. Without ya. But of course you didn't say that out loud. Never say things like that out loud, you learned that on the first week. He didn't get feelings like that. Didn't understand them.

"I'll quit."

"Oh, too bad," you marked, setting the book aside and grabbing a piece of paper and coloured pencils instead. Eiji had so much art stuff lying around on the floor it looked like someone had blown about ten pencil cases up in his room. With an atom bomb. you wondered how he even knew what pages of manga belonged to what chapter.

You laid down on your stomach and started scribbling. You never were much into drawing, so instead of trying to draw realistically, you stacked a pile of stick figures on the paper. But they were like, really cute stick figures. In a way that would make a five-year-old laugh at your drawing abilities.

"You'll come to visit?" He asked, not turning from the desk. As if he would. No matter when you visited, he was always drawing. In school he was always drawing. Only time you got him to put his pen down ever since you two were kids, was when you literally dragged him outside. To look for drawing references, you always said.

"Maybe," you shrugged and added a blue stick-dog in the picture. "You want me to? Or will you be too busy?"

"I'll be able to make time...I think," he finished up a page and threw it over his shoulder. It landed exactly in front of you and and you picked it up to take a closer look.

It was good. Of course it was, you didn't tell him that very often anymore. He knew.

This time there was a cat-like hero who was battling with smaller mouse-looking villain. You squinted your eyes a bit, when you noticed how similar the hero was to your cat, Kot. So the sneaky little devil had been coming over here again. Really. And after all the times you had ran around when he went missing. Ungrateful beast.

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