Nishimiya Yuzuru (Koe no Katachi)

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You walked out of your flat, locking the door behind you. Then it was about eight sets of stairs before you got out of the building. You honestly didn't know what had possessed you to move in a place like this. Especially since you hated stairs. But today even stairs were alright. Today was special.

You had a date.

It was a little cold outside, despite it being middle of March already, and you raised your coat collar up against the wind. The sun was shining brightly and had already sneaked many people out of their homes to enjoy wonderful day.

You walked down the road, smiling a little to yourself as you saw little girl in too-large red hoodie arguing with her mother about puppies. She was so cute and you knew exactly whom she reminded you of. Although yours was even cuter, you finally decided.

You ended up in front of the small flower shop you went every time there was special anniversary. The front of the shop was empty now, but you knew that in the summer there would be large wooden tables with buckets of flowers on them. The whole place would smell almost sickeningly sweet and the air would be buzzing with the bees shop kept in the back.

You went in the shop, little bell above the door letting Lettie know there was a client. Old woman smiled warmly at you and set down the bouquet she had been setting. She hurried out from behind the counter and took a look at you from head to toes.

"Hm," she finally shook her head. "Have you been eating properly? I don't know what it is with youth nowadays, only skin and bones. You are the same. Few weeks and I won't be even able to see you anymore."

"Nice to see you Lettie," you gave honey-scented woman a big hug. "Do you have any sunflowers in the back?"

"Ooh, is today the special day?" She had forgotten to complain about your eating habits for a moment. "There are some in the vases. Kept them in case it was special. There are some others too if you want. Blue would go well next to yellow."

"Thanks," you gave her a big smile.

"Oh you go now, you know where the flowers are," she ushered you to the back room when another client came in and she had to hurry to the counter to finish the bouquet they had came to pick up.

You went to the back roo, took your coat off and set it one of the chairs. As you had found out before, it seemed to pick up every piece of pollen and dust in the air, and on dark material it looked like you were wearing spots.

Yes. You did know where the flowers and tools were. Of course you did. You ahd been working at Lettie's ever since the summer of eighth grade. It wasn't like you would forget everything just because you had a day of.

You took a pair of scissors from the shelf and picked up a bucket with sunflowers, setting the on the table. Then, flower after flower you started cutting them in the right lenght and fixing up a bouquet with confident moves. Lettie had been right, you noticed when you added a tufts of forget-me-nots in the bunch. Blue really did go well.

When you finally set the fragile bunch of flowers aside, you nearly started laughing. If you took these to Yuzu, she would simply laugh you of and tell you she didn't care for flowers. Oh Yuzu, always wanting to act tough. But later, when she though you didn't see, she would set the flowers in a vase and put the vase somewhere only she could see. Just so you would think she had thrown them out or something.

You put the coat on again and took your flowers before going up to the counter. Lettie was dealing with a customer, so you waited for a little, looking around in the shop. When the customer left you went to her to pay for the flowers.

"Did you clean everything up alright?" she asked while wrapping the flowers in a thick brownish paper to protect them from cold and wind.

"As always," you took the flowers from her. "Thanks Lettie."

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