Sabo (One Piece)

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GreenR: helllooooo!!!! How y'all doing!? I hope great.

Law: are yelling to hide the fact you were supposed to publish something new over a week ago?


Law: was there a question mark?

GreenR: no. And I promised to be back around  20th. Not on 20th. There is a difference, you.... word - worm!

Anyways. I hope y'all like it and I am doing my best to catch up on the requests you guys have sent me. Just so you know, my box is alwayd open and you can send in characters from any anime or manga you choose.

Stay awesome!


"Are you sure this is a good idea?" You pushed aside some leaves and branches that were blocking your way. One of them came back and with violent swing hit your nose.

"Ouch!" You whined and sent the branch a death glare. If the branch had had any decency it would have shriveled and dried up from simply the poison coming from your eyes

"Of course this is a good idea," Sabo was feeling at home in this idiotic bug-infested jungle. Even too much so. Any moment now you expected him to throw away the top hat he was wearing, declare he was actually a monkey and run off to the wild wilderness. You wouldn't even have been surprised, given how he and his brothers had lived when they were younger. You were still having nightmares from the time he described eating live bugs. It had been on a bet from Ace, but still you thought it was incredibly disgusting.

"If I'm going to catch malaria and die here, I'll come back and haunt ya," you threatened him and stopped in your tracks. Sabo didn't notice right away and bumped into you, almost knocking you into the mossy rock wall that had made you stop.

"So, that guy we are looking for..." you cleared your throat and pushed sweaty hair away from your face. That jungle heat was a killer for your hair. "How much does he like visitors? And do we really need his help?" By the looks of it, the wall hadn't been here naturally, which meant someone had built it. And people who build high stone walls around the places they live do not like visitors as a rule.

"Well..." Sabo gave the wall a few thumps with a fist, only confirming that it really was a very solid wall and scratching up his knuckles. "If I remember correctly the last time he had visitors was ten years ago. And he chased them away with a rifle." oh, so it was that kind of a guy.

You sighed. Why were you always sent on missions like that? You would have even preferred being a messenger by now, instead of tracking down allies Army might need. And these allies usually happened to be antisocial, loonies or with extremely happy trigger finger. Sometimes all three together. You actually liked it when they were all three together, it would give you a reason to fight with someone to blow off steam.

"Yes, we really do need him," Sabo answered to your question, to which you simply sighed in answer. It was always like that. You only needed the weirdos, and the nice and normal people you could easily find from the phone book weren't necessary for some reason.

"Alright then. Help me up, please," you turned towards him. The wall was a little more than half a meter taller than you, and you thought you saw spikes on top of it, so you couldn't simply jump on it. Unless you wanted to pierce your feet, which you really didn't feel like, for some reason.

"Learn to climb," Sabo picked you up with a grumble and heaved you high enough so you could grab the edge of the wall and scrape up it. Doing so you bloodied your hands against the rusty spikes that were atop the wall. The only thing you hoped by now, was that you wouldn't get blood poisoning from the rust. It would have been a shame to die now. There was supposed to be cake after dinner.

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