Eustass Kidd part 2 (One Piece)

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"Y/n, we have a problem." These are not the good words to start your day with. Or to end it. Sadly, the rest didn't seem to get any better.

"We kinda lost the sourwolf," you could hear Penguin's nervous voice. He was barely keeping it together anymore. It was full moon today, and it was already getting dark outside.

"You did what?" You got up from your bed which you had been laying on and searched around for your jacket. "Where are you?" You barked, finally finding it and heading out. As always, nobody paid any attention to where you were going. Good side of living in an orphanage.

"In the-" you heard rustle and he was cut off by some yelling. When you could make out the words again, it was Law speaking.

"Stay away from here," he growled angrily. "No matter what you do. It's dangerous."

"I have seen you guys change before," you climbed on your bike and raced down the street. "I'll be fine."

"No!" Even louder growl. "You have seen omegas change. He's on another level, ans there are too many wolves around here anyways. Stay away from it."

"Don't you fucking tell me what to do and say where you are? Darkies?" You heard disapproving growl, marking you had guessed right and then the phone went black. Oh great, no batteries.

It was so cold already, and you felt your nose freezing and wind blow against your cheeks. You were practically a popsicle already, soon you'd have to find some sort of a scarf or something for winter, because there was no hope getting a new coat this year. You had gotten one few years ago, and this yeard had been a little rough.

"Stupid wolves, I am a were they are dangerous and could kill me any moment. They tell me to stay away," you kept puffing under your breath, heading towards the woods on the edge of the town. "And then they go and fucking lose the only new member of the pack we have had in three years and who knows absolutely nothing about what sort of woods are around here."

You stopped on the edge of the woods, little hesitant. It was big and dark and scary and you really didn't wanna go there. You heard a squeaky howl from near by and waited for few seconds until large copperish wolf appeared.

"Shachi," you stayed put although all your instincs told you to run. If you mived he would have seen prey in you and you would have been whereever people go after death faster than you could say 'cowabunga'.

"Where?" You said on as calming voice as possible. Don't seem threatening. No fast moves. No yelling. Don't be afraid. They can smell that.

Wolf came up behind you and nudged you towards the trees, so you had to walk slowly. Moss was covering the ground like a thick carpet and in first five minutes of following Shachi, your feet were dripping wet.

Suddenly your skirt got caught in a branch and since Shachi hadn't noticed, he ran off, leaving you to fight with that utterly unpractical piece of clothing. When you finally managed to untangle it, you were alone in the dark.

Your heart thumped so wildly in your chest you were sure anyone around you could hear it. Despite it, you started walking on in a random direction, certain to find your pack.

While pulling yet another twig from your hair, you started seriously regretting not being a werewolf. Honestly, it would be so much more convenient to be able to run through the forest on four legs. Or to be able to sniff these dummies out.

"fuck," you cursed loudly when your foot got stuck behind a fallen branch and you almost fell over. You managed to get ahold of a tree next to you and stay on feet. then you had to swerve a bit to avoid the mossy pit where you knew where usually the huntsmen left the bear traps. A little way ahead you heard a loud yowl. Fuckety fucking fuck.

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