L Lawliet (Death Note)

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GreenR: Hiya. I guess I'm back from the short hiatus. Sorry to everyone whose requests and all had to wait. But I'm back in business.

Hope you'll like this shot. It's a bit different from what I usually do.


It was a lovely day. You had gone out for a really short walk, and now you were about to see an old friend. Could it get any better?


You waited until the nurses strapped you to the chair with leather bounds, then pulled against them, snarling loudly. Younger redhead backed away, obviously scared. You cackled loudly and your eyes widened.

"Come here sweetie," you snarled, tongue quickly moving over your lips. "Come heereee~~~"

She gave you a disgusted look and went behind you to make sure you were tied up tightly. You wriggled your wrists in the handcuffs, these scratching your skin reddish. Pain didn't bother you. To be honest, you didn't even notice it anymore. I guess a person can get used to anything.

"You can let the guest in," she said into the communicator that was strapped on her head. She moved away from you, revolt emitting from her every pore at the sight of you. And there were lot of pores on her.

"Bye bye~~"you made smooching noises after her when she and her partner walked away and laughed again. "Come see me again~~~"

You were left in the room alone and you stopped pulling against the restraints. Mad look stayed on your face, as your were testing the locks on cuffs and belts. They were all tight and you couldn't find a way to get free. Too bad. One day they would make a mistake and you would be free. You just hoped this day wouldn't come too late.

"Hi Y/n," you heard a low voice at the door and your head snapped up, face wrinkling into smile. "How are you today?"

"Ryu~~~" you greeted him by the name he had used when he worked with you. You couldn't control your face and it kept twitching as you spoke. "How nice~~ you haven't forgotten me~" how could he ever forget you? After all, your current state was all his fault.

"L," he corrected you, as always, and came closer. He was the only person who wasn't disgusted by you, or afraid of you. At least not very much. He was also only one who still visited you every week. "I'm not Ryu anymore."

"Of course," you wiggled your eyebrows and then laughed at the feeling it caused on your forehead. "You're the Shadow~" you said it on a mysterious voice, like a narrator from horror movie. "No real self~"

"I brought you flowers," he put two daisies on the table between you and sat on the chair which was the opposite from you. He pulled his knees almost to his jaw, getting comfortable for this conversation. "Happy birthday."

"Thank you," you stared at the two flowers, wishing to pick them up and smell them. And then crush them so the tiny pieces of petals would cover the ground and you wouldn't have to see the horrible grey and green of the tiles anymore."You remembered."

You tilted your head up and right, staring at the lone lightbulb up there. It winked at you. Or is it blinking when there's just one eye? You wondered over it for a little time, then looked back at your guest.

"You've changed," your singsong voice changed to worried one. He had even deeper shadows under his eyes than usual, and your sharp nose could tell he hadn't showered at least in week. "Not better. Are you missing your favourite caretaker?" You tried to wink but accidentally blinked instead.

"Of course I miss you," he was absentmindedly biting his thumb. "Are you feeling any better?" Define better, you thought bitterly.

"Why would you care?" You hissed in sudden anger and trashed against the restraints, jumping forward with your chair. He didn't bat an eye. "I am here because of YOU!!!" This time he flinched and swallowed before speaking.

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