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I watched as Andy tugged me by my hand in the direction of his tour bus. Our personalities some how easily mushed into each others, he was very awkward but his laugh and smile made you forget about it. That invitingness is why I ended up stumbling behind him before finally speaking up, "Hey rockstar, slow down," I said, thankfully he stopped but unfortunately he caused me to crash into his back. My nose hit him first causing it to sting as I pulled away and pinched it as if it stopped the hurt. I mean it didn't really hurt but I felt it, calming down from my rage I was still high and all goofy. "Fuck dude that hurt."

Andy laughed sheepishly, "oh god I'm so sorry," he said but still couldn't help his laugh. He crouched down in a weird way to get to eye level with me as he moved my hand and looked at my nose. "You're so... goddamn down there jesus," he mumbled "like i could literally rub my armpit on your head or something."

"what the fuck?" i looked up at him with my sunglasses over my eyes as i started laughing so fucking hard that he stared at me, "that was so fucking funny chill," I said gently shoving as he dramatically losing his footing from being crouched and let himself fall back on his ass, laughing too and rubbing his eyes.

"what you are like right under it," Andy said as he was snickering, "What are you like 5'2?"

"I'm 5'4 on a good day"

"This must be a really fucking bad day then," he said making some goofy smile with a little gleaming look in his eyes as he was forced to look up at me. It was you'd want to slap him for how cute he looked and how clever he thought he was.

"you- you're evil," I started shaking my head, as he chuckled, nice and deep. the sound made me smile, I liked the way he laughs.

"I know, I'm the fuckin' devil," he smirked pushing himself up, he brushed his hands off as he stood in front of me.

I was enjoying the playful taunting and it was quite a relief to fuck around with someone again. "pack it up lucifer and go and get your shirt."

Andy groaned, acting like a teenager you just told that they couldn't go to a party or something, "yeah, whatever mom," he said rolling his eyes and we shuffled forward. we were giggling as I teased him about calling me mom. it was pretty juvenile even as we got to his bus.

I looked up at it a little baffled because it was like a really fucking hyped ups bus, he noticed my look and laughed, "what you looking at?" he chuckled nudging me with his elbow.

"back in my day we spray painted our name on the bus," I joked, as he smirked at me.

"Yeah I know, I'm kinda a big deal," he said snickering himself, I shook my head at him shuffling up to it and looking up to the top.

"Its huge," I stated, not really having anymore observations.

Andy smirked, "that's not the only thing that's huge," he said, folding his arms acting serious.

I looked over at him simply saying, "wow," at his bad that was

"that's what she said," Andy laughed, a childlike smile on his face. Even his laugh was deep and raspy.

"you think a man your age wouldn't say shit like that" I made a fake face locking eyes with him, the faux seriousness in my voice getting to him visually "you disgust me."

His eyes widened with alarm quickly, as his words came out at a higher pitch- for him at least. "I-I was kidding! I-"

I smirked this time as I laughed. "chill, andy, I'm just fucking with you," I said.

Beyond My Reach ˚ ✞ . Andy BiersackOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora