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Who will you run to when it all falls down? Who's gonna pick you up off the ground!?

I switched songs on my phone. I didn't want to hear love songs right now.

Turn around-

"Not a f^cking chance," I scowled skipping the Bonnie Tyler song. I was alone playing music since Adam left yesterday morning.

Attention, Attention-

I didn't mind this one too much Caught like a fly reminded me of so many people, Ronnie did a good job with this one. Too bad it got cut off by my bloody ring tone.

I picked it up listening to what Adam had said. Try and talk to him Monica. I said to my self.

"Monica?" Andy's voice said hopefully.

"Well it is my phone," I replied.

"I'm really sorry, please don't hang up."

I sighed "I won't."

"Good," I think he was smiling "let me make it up to you?"


"Please Moni," he begged

I swallowed running my fingers over the jacket next to me "yeah, sure Andy."

"Yes! Okay I'll pick you up at five?"

"Yeah, sure Andy," I muttered

"I promise I'll make it up..."


"I'll see you later."

"Bye," I hung up. Jesus christ did everything feel heavy...

~Beyond My Reach~

"Hi," I said meeting eyes with Andy.

He smiled, it was sad and toothless "Hey," we stared at each other the same way we did many times. It felt exactly the same, it gave me the butterflies and the warm fuzzy feeling. I looked away at  my scuffed up boots "shall we go?" Andy asked, I nodded. We walked along side each other, Andy's hand reached for mine. I wanted to hold it but I let my hand stay at my side while his retreated. He let out a sigh and mumbled something about 'beyond'.

The ride was silent, you could hear the hum of the engine, and the other vehicles outside of Andy's car. The route felt familiar but I shook off the thought.

"I hate it being this tense," Andy said.

"Then talk or something," I replied "do you have a cig I left my pack at home."

"Yeah," Andy nodded and opened the console, there was the pack from last week, it was mostly full those five days ago, with an exception of two or three, now it was empty and the other pack 3/4 done too.

"I thought you weren't big on smoking," I said.

"It's been a stressful few days," he mumbled "do you mind passing me one?"

I picked up two, one went between my lips and one between Andy's. I lit both of them, we smoked in silence. We snuck glances at each other here and there. Finally the car parked.

"Close your eyes," Andy said urgently, I did, I was still unsure of where we were. He helped me out of the car, I didn't mind him holding onto me as he guided me. "Open."

So I did, "No way in hell," I said.

"Moni, you said you'd let me make it up to you..."

"I'm not going Ice Skating again," I said.

"You said-"

"I know what I said," I grumbled "just get the damn skates.."

He grinned and went over to get them. He returned, I refused to let him help me get them on or walk.

"You look like you're going to fall," Andy said.

I denied it "I'm fine."

I mean I was, up until the ice. I nearly fell over as I got on, but Andy caught me. It's like I'm a helpless baby bird.

I got out of his arms quickly. I skated around in the circle as quickly as I could, Andy near by as he tried to talk to me.


"Ca," I finished my name.

"You know how sorry I am," he apologized.

"Hm, yeah, 30 calls sorry," I said.

"I filed for a divorce," Andy told me, just loud enough so I would be the only one to hear him. I stopped skating.


"Juliet and I filed for a divorce," he said, skating infront and turning to face me. "Neither of us saw things going back to the way things were, not when we had such strong feelings for other people."

I was at a loss of words, I wasn't sure what to say. I stayed silent for a moment before talking "I don't want to be a home wrecker," I pushed off on my skates.

"Monica!" Andy skated after me, his hand wrapped around my lower arm right where I had injected my last shot. I winced, as I spun around. "This isn't your fault, things were going down south before we met."

"It feels like you divorced your wife because of me Andy," I pulled my arm out of his hand.

"It would've happened later than sooner."

"Your wife probably hates me," I huffed.

"No, she doesn't, she's not that type of person, Moni-ca," he told me adding back the last part of my name.

"Why are your trying so hard to get me... back, I suppose that's the right word."

"Because, I have feelings for you Monica, they're really fucking strong and I can't get you out of my head. I can't let go about how I feel about you either or not try, I was fucking devastated when Juliet and I agreed that things wouldn't work out but- fuck I don't know the way I feel about you makes me not think that I lost something... like I finally found something right."

"I can't get you out of my head either," I mumbled. He smiled at me, taking my hand, I didn't stop him.

"I'm really sorry Monica," Andy apologized.

"Yeah I know," I looked at my feet. He tilted my head up.

"So you forgive me?" He asked me staring into my eyes with those soft baby blue ones that made me melt.

"We can work towards that," I mumbled, I wasn't as mad. How could I be? This man filed for a divorce with his wife just to prove to me he wasn't messing with me.

He smiled in relief, "come here," he said tugging me by my sleeve into his arms as he hugged me. I hid my blushing face hidden against his chest.

"Well up until recently I can't say you don't make me happy, Andy," I mumbled, He held me tight for a moment before pulling away.

"I promise I'd never do anything to hurt or make you unhappy that's the last thing I want."

"Okay I breathed, I guess we're alright then," I mumbled.

"Shall we skate?" He smiled.

"We shall," I replied.


Dat Yuri! On ice reference!


Yup I gave them happy happy stuffs. Yay.

Beyond My Reach ˚ ✞ . Andy BiersackWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt