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Adam Lambert was on glee oml I was dyingggggggg

This chapter is the only reasons she's a bartender and not a tattoo artist ;) (hint hint Its the part with Andy)))

My madness has a method...
*steamy make out session ahead*

"You sound like some romantic, crazy, teenage girl who aspires to be prom queen!" Jamie laughed as she slid a glass to one of the men at the bar.

"well I was prom queen in my highschool," I smiled as I made the third Vodka on the rocks of the night for the woman at the bar.

"No way!"

"Yes way!" I replied mocking her a little. The bar was getting lonely, it had been since I came back from my day off on my birthday. I asked Jamie why.

"There was a guy who came in with a gun. He robbed us and people have been scared shittless since then, it's been half a month and we get nowhere near as many people as before. Jordan's gonna have to start cutting checks and laying off."

I freaked out a little. I knew I was getting too accustomed to this, maybe I'd be lucky enough to stay until January.

"Don't worry too much about it, things will be fine."

"I hope so," I said and smiled at her, Jamie smiled back.

We continue to relax behind the bar and serve some people every now and then.

Coming back from the backroom after ending my shift when Jamie grabbed me "Monica your boyfriend is here," she winked, over her shoulder I saw Andy spinning around on a barstool, the sight made me laugh.

"He's not my boyfriend," I said.

"How many dates have you guys gone on?"

"As of the moment five."

"And you still haven't slept with him!?"

"Jamie hush!!" I scowled.

"okay, alright," she grumbled "I told him you got off."

"yeah I just checked out," I said.

"Then stop standing here and say 'Hi' to your lover!" she got behind me and shoved me in the direction I would've went anyway. An Idea popped into my head. I exited the bar and went around, I snuck up behind Andy wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Hey hot stuff, can I buy you a drink?"

He smirked "Yeah, how does a 'blow job' sound?"

I giggled at him naming an inappropriate drink "Enticing," I chuckled and sat on the seat next to his. He quickly placed a kiss on my lips before I asked the burning question. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I decided that I'd surprise you, I haven't really seen you since your birthday I was thinking you could come over to my place for a movie?"

"Hm, Batman?" I guessed.

"You know it," He grinned showing off his sparkly whites.

I glanced at Jamie, she was fully listening in. She quickly looked away and poured a drink for no one. When Jamie looked back she mouthed Boyfriend.

"Let's go," I smiled, he took my hand and we got up. Jamie made kissing faces, I rolled my eyes and blew her a playful kiss.

~Beyond My Reach~

We didn't do much 'movie watching' together.

"Andy!" I gasped as he nibbled on my earlobe.

"What?" He chuckled and kissed right behind my ear and down to my neck making me squirm a little. He bit my neck lightly making me moan.

"Andy... I'm trying... to watch... the movie," I protested as he continued his assault down my neck then found his way to my lips. He stopped before his lips brushed mine.

"I'll tell you how it end, Two face dies, joker doesn't, happy, happy, happy," he said.

"Movie spoiler," I mutter, he pulled back a bit.

"Well we can watch the movie," he sat back up.

I grabbed the hem of his shirt "No, no, no... I mean I already know how it ends."

He lent back down locking his lips with mine, I kissed him back without hesitation. It was pretty fricking steamy between the two of us. His his hands trailed down my sides to my waist then hips and pulled me onto his lap. I ran my fingers through his hair gripping on it as he bit my lip. At this point the ongoing movie was just white noise in the background.

We both knew where this was gonna go if we didn't cool it, and I doubt either of us were ready for that. It cooled down, our previously steamy makeout session softening, he smiled into it and we parted.

"That was, wow," he mumbled against my lips.

"Wow," I agreed. Tough, it was more than wow, it was like a fire work explosion on Christmas with the tinest bit of ecstasy mixed in.

I'm great with analogies.

We settled back down, this time Andy was laying with me in his arm. I was on the outer end of the couch, my head right below his chin.

I tried to stay focused on the movie but there was something else I wanted to know. If Jamie hadn't brought it up before I left I wouldn't have worried about it.

"Andy? I said looking back at him.

"Yeah babe?" He responded, babe.

"Babe?" I repeated, I shifted up on my elbow.

"Er, sorry, it just came out ya know," he chuckled awkwardly.

"Its fine, I like it," I said as he tilted his head down to face me better. An out of place hair caught my attention, I decided to fix it in place while I asked my question, "what are we?"

His hand went on top of mine that hovered over his cheek. He thought for a moment "do you mean relationship status wise?"

My lips parted as I was about to say yes but I nodded instead.

"Well I'd like to call you my girlfriend," he averd.

"Good, because I'd like to call you my boyfriend," I smiled, he smiled too, his fingers traveled down the back of my hand to my wrist which my grey sweater left out. He traced the black band then the metal piece with his nickname for me on it.

"You're wearing it."

"I told you I loved it," I replied, he grinned and kissed me on the lips lightly. Our cute comments about each other continued as we watched the movie. The sound of claws on the floor alerted both of us. One of Andy's cats jumped onto the chair.

"Crow! I thought we had a deal, you and Femme stay in the back and I get my lady to my self," he whispered, I chuckled and smiled at him. The other cat soon followed.

"Great it's a double date," he mumbled. I pecked Andy on the lips. The two cats found their place on top of our sides and settled down to watch the movie.

This was one of the best moments I've had the last year.


Cute and fluffyyyy

*evil tone*

But that wont last for long


Beyond My Reach ˚ ✞ . Andy BiersackWhere stories live. Discover now