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Thanks to pennyroyaltear for helping me with this chapter as well as the next :P go read her books mofos

I collapsed onto my bed and grabbed my phone out. I worked 5 days a week for 8 hours at a time and I just got back. Really it wasn't just bartending I only did that on Friday and Saturday nights. I wiped counters, tabels cleaned, not the bathrooms tough. And with that money I was able to buy a good condition but cheap love seat just because the floor hurts my ass.

I occupied my time with my guitar. I told my self I wouldn't use it after I was kicked out of the band but i just couldn't avoid playing, I loved to play.

I also hung out with Andy a few times more. I like the half hearted pickup lines and the occasional flirting each time we were together. I have no idea where the hell any of it's going but I'm okay with it for now.

Then I figured why neighbors hated Sam and his family, one of them played drums all the time.

Now that I was done with my duties and I could either, lay here and bore my self or play my guitar in my underwear.

The second option was proved to be more appealing. I didn't have an amp, just my guitar but I was satisfied with that. I started just coming up with a little riff then it turned into me jumping on the mattress already coming up with a song while starting to formulate lyrics in my head. It was really nice to finally do this again, never mind that I was by my self and the song would be nothing but a thought for several months until the goddamn contract is over.

A knock on my door pulled me out of my guitar playing heaven. I left my guitar on my shoulders and hopped off the old mattress to get the door. I pulled it open oddly enough the guy who was in my thoughts shy of an hour ago was standing there.

"Hey- um... you don't have any pants on," he said awkwardly, his face turned a little red as he chuckled. I mentally slapped my self Monica you idiot how could you forget you don't have pants on.

This is what happens when you're high off your ass monica.

I looked down, at least my legs looked nice, "It's what ever," I said. I could tell he was trying not to look, but also sneaking sly glances. "Er, wanna come in?" I asked, he chuckled and nodded, I stepped aside so he can enter. He looked like he was close to his head hitting the roof.

"Excuse me for just a second," I felt my face heating up as I closed the door, I quickly put my guitar on the bed and pulled on an old pair of already worn jeans, I also added my jacket in case the holes in my arms were visible.

"Um, I came to give you your phone, you left it in my car the other night," he reached to his pocket and pulled out my small phone. I had barely noticed I didn't have it and forgot.

"Oh, I didn't realize, thanks," I smiled at him taking the phone, our hands brushed ever so slightly. The awkwardness in the room pretty much evaporated. Again for probably the hundredth time since we've met gazed at each other's eyes, I felt butterflies pool in my stomach as I was lost in his blue orbs.

"So, uh... I wanted to ask you..." he broke the silence his voice sounded nervous "we're both adults, and I uh, enjoy spending my time around you a lot, and I like you, like romantically like you, and I think you at least can stand me on some level, would you like to maybe go out? Like on a real date not just hanging out, like the romantic stuff and... I'm babbling."

I smiled at him, surprisingly he was nervous I wasn't sure what to say, I mean a yes won't hurt, he's already seen your underwear...

"Say something?"

Beyond My Reach ˚ ✞ . Andy BiersackWhere stories live. Discover now