(9)Salt, Sheets and Smashed

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'This was starting to get really interesting...'

Salt, Sheets and Smashed

Of course, the funeral of the king was morbidly tragic

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Of course, the funeral of the king was morbidly tragic.

Although, in ways a funeral wasn't meant to be sad...

There were more gods, demi-gods, monsters, strange entities and creatures than I'd ever imagined. Some looked like they'd just crawled out from under a rock; others looked like they were straight from a surreal painting.

Beautiful, frightening, huge, tiny, animalistic, ghostly... It was extraordinary!

We were among the gods who were honoured enough to be seated in the near front of the colossal coliseum. The seats were made from stone and the decor consisted of a large variety of different flowers and ivies. Persephone certainly hadn't spared any expense.

She went full out with the food, drink, music- even the coffin in which her father's body was placed looked like it cost more than my entire house in Caneyville. Nevermind that; more than the entire Caneyville is more like it.

It was made from solid gold. I couldn't imagine anyone ever being able to lift it. How they'd managed to get it onto the marble pedestal was beyond me...

Throughout the entire ceremony, which I might add took about ten hours, Thanatos kept his hand locked onto mine and his eyes on the primary gods. He was suspicious and paranoid of everyone- even Hades, his master. He might not want to admit that Hades could be part of all of this, but he wasn't dumb enough to let his denunciation disrupt our investigation.

Although, one person Thanatos couldn't suspect, no matter how hard he tried, was Poseidon. So it was my duty to observe him. I did so silently.

The young god has joined us at the back of the ceremony, his dark blue eyes miserable. "Can I sit here?"

Thanatos nodded; "Of course. Are you alright?"

"No." Poseidon said as he pulled Amphitrite with him and leaned back in his chair; "Look at them." His eyes were on the rest of his family. They were all seated in the front- ogling the coffin as Hera spoke. "They make me sick."

"I promise you we will catch these bastards." Hypnos said from beside me. Poseidon shot him a grateful smile.

The rest of the funeral went by rather slowly. Every single creature, nymph, demi-god and everyone else present wanted to touch the coffin and pay their respects. It took nearly a lifetime until it was respectful of us to leave. Poseidon, and the rest of the immediate family, stayed a while longer.

The twins were silent the whole way back.

A week passed and by then we'd had the Aegis for about two weeks without anyone realising it was right here; under their noses.

Nyx didn't bother to contact her sons, which was both a surreal and pleasant experience for the twins. Thanatos couldn't help but still feel guilty about that horrible night.

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