(29)To the White of the Bone

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'Something is horribly, terribly wrong...'

To the White of the Bone

"Still nothing?" Sonya asked as I opened my eyes, a painful ache forming right across the crown of my head

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"Still nothing?" Sonya asked as I opened my eyes, a painful ache forming right across the crown of my head. I rubbed at the throbbing area and shook my head in annoyance.

"Nothing, I still can't get to her." I'd been trying for days to reach Hecate; to ask for her help and for more clues, but it's like she just disappeared without a trace. I couldn't find her anywhere in my dreams and wherever I called for her, there was no answer.

The last time we spoke, I could tell she'd been in considerable pain. It was getting harder for her to communicate with me, either because the area where her spirit hovered now wasn't meant to be escaped, or because someone on this side was keeping her from contacting me.

Nothing was all that improbable anymore.

But that meant whoever was putting up a wall between us had some access to magic- or someone under their control with magic.

"So what now?" Trita was lying on her back on the white divan, her one foot hanging limply off the edge.

I shrugged; "I go to the fortress unprepared." I knew it was reckless to go down to the Underworld without really knowing what I was getting myself involved with, but after what Aphrodite told me yesterday, about Ares meeting his fellow conspirator at an old fortress, I had to go see it for myself.

I was hoping Hecate could finally give me more information, or some defence against any threat I might find, but the lavender fields in my dreams were just as empty as they'd been a week ago. She was nowhere to be found.

"I don't like this, Rora." Sonya shook her head as her foot tapped nervously on the titled floor. Trimorphe purred next to her, her big blue eyes wide.

I sighed; "Me neither, but something needs to be done. And besides, I can't sit here for another second. I need to go out and do something. This place is suffocating."

"I kinda like it..." Trita smiled at the ceiling as she twirled a cupcake towards her mouth. I smiled and rolled my eyes; "Well, I'm going out of my mind with boredom."

"Typical 'Aurora-thing' to say..." I ignored her sneaky smile.

Sonya still didn't look very happy about the situation; "How do you know Aphrodite isn't lying to trick you? What if they're waiting there for you?"

"Believe it or not, but I actually trust her. I could see some of her thoughts and they were pure. I don't think she's lying about this. Her fear was so..." I shook my head, "-real. But I understand your concern. That's why I'm taking this cutie with me."

I petted Trimorphe's head; she purred loudly. "And I'll be careful. I promise." I gave them a look, making sure they knew I wasn't about to storm into this place guns blazing. Sonya nodded, but still looked worried.

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