(12)White-tinted Truth

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*Beautiful and haunting song- Haunted ocean, Max Richter

*Beautiful and haunting song- Haunted ocean, Max Richter

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'I prayed again that I wasn't making a dire mistake...'

White-tinted Truth

Sonya and Trita's parents were in quite a state when they'd arrived

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Sonya and Trita's parents were in quite a state when they'd arrived. We spent most of the early morning trying to calm everyone down and trying to explain to them how an uncommon incident like this shouldn't result in them pulling the girls out of the university.

By two in the morning Sonya was fast asleep; her mother dozed off next to her bed while Trita's parents and Sonya's father discussed the police report in the corner of the large room, careful not to wake the sleeping girl. Trita, Thanatos and I sat across from Sonya's bed, our eyes drooping.

I was nestled into Thanatos' chest and Trita's head rested on my shoulder. We looked like a line of dominoes that had fallen over.

Barrios, the reaper instructed to watch over them, had rushed into the hospital about an hour ago. It was just Thanatos and I who greeted him in the dark corner of the passage; he looked like shit. Dried blood was matted onto his forehead and he was clearly out of breath.

I noticed he was quite handsome and around my age- or he used to be when he was still mortal.

His voice was ragged; "My lord! I apologise greatly for-"

"Where were you?" Thanatos didn't waste time with niceties; "What happened to your head?"

Barrios pushed a few stray strands of golden hair from his green eyes. I noticed then that he looked really familiar.

Where had I seen him before?

"I was attacked by a group of vampires. They sucked away the force field and one hit me over the head with-" He groaned and shook his head in an embarrassed fashion; "That's not important right now. I passed out and only woke up a few minutes ago. That's when the rest told me you were looking for me. My lord-"

"They attacked Sonya and Trita."

"I was afraid of that..." He looked genuinely devastated, like we'd just told him his mother was in a car crash. I searched my brain for his image- I'd definitely seen him before. Somewhere...

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