(47)The Pale Unravelling

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'None of us were in the habit of kneeling for too long...'  

The Pale Unravelling

The Pale Unravelling

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Poseidon's POV

This is not how this was supposed to go- at all.


I turned around at the sound of my wife's surprised voice. Amphitrite looked dishevelled, her hair all of her face and her armour covered with specks of blood.

I rushed towards her, my eyes bright and feral with adrenaline. Cutting down hoards of men and monsters was never my forte. I'd much rather leave all of that to Thanatos or Hypnos or even Apollo, while Dionysus and I drink and sing rude songs. But good gods were there many of them!

Ares certainly had built up a hoards of followers over the years, and some of which I'm fairly sure were still loyal to Cronus too, to make matters worse. Despicable. If Zeus had to see us now; fighting like rats in a barrel...

"Darling," I clasped a hand onto her shoulder, pulling her closer. Amphitrite was always more of the assertive one- the fighter. Not necessarily physically, but definitely in vigour. I was the lover, the peace-keeper. Everyone's best friend, not the warrior prince.

There was enough of that around; and probably the reason behind most of this bloodshed.

"Are you hurt?"

She shook her head, but began to lead me down the bloody passage. We hastily made our way up the stairs, Hades' palace cold with frost and wind, and delicately tried to evade the corpses lying at our feet. I shook my head, not understanding why she was leading me away from the fight.

"Come, I have to check on her."

Persephone; I knew she meant Persephone. My wife and the young queen of the Underworld had become great friends over the many years. I nodded my head, letting her continue to lead me up towards the main chamber. We eyed the passageways. There wasn't a fair chance that some of Ares' men had broken free and stumbled up here, but it was always better to be alert.

We reached the door, but just before we knocked, two figures rounded the corner. Amphitrite and I swung our swords up and held them at the necks of the newcomers. They shocked still and froze, but quickly our eyes locked and I sighed in relief.

Athena pushed away my sword with distain and Artemis cleared her throat as Amphitrite slowly lowered hers. "What on Earth are you two doing here?"

"Hades sent us," Athena spoke, her voice deep and gravelly; probably from all the war-cries. She looked like she'd bathed in blood. "He's concerned for her." She nodded towards the door and just then the large wooden thing swung open to reveal a clearly pissed off Persephone.

"Stop fussing outside and get in, dammit!" We stared at her with unease, not sure why she was I such a foul mood, but her glare quickly urged us forward. "Hurry, hurry! My pookie doesn't have all day to fight alone! Some of you have to get back down there and help him!"

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