(33)White Moonlight

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'We had a lot of catching up to do...'  

White Moonlight

With my eyes still closed, the cold breeze flew a few strands of my blonde hair around my face, the soft tendrils gently caressing my face

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With my eyes still closed, the cold breeze flew a few strands of my blonde hair around my face, the soft tendrils gently caressing my face.

I lifted my head up from my arms that rested on the stone railing and cupped my chin onto my palm. I wondered just how high we were in the sky. I wondered if Samaria had ever been here? Probably not. This was a highly secure and elite place, but just as suffocating. I missed the freedom of Thanatos' palace...

My shoulders sunk- I couldn't help but think of her, even when I told myself I would try to keep my thoughts positive. If I hadn't been so exhausted and tired, my body probably would've filed with anger by now. But I was tired, and I was homesick.

My thoughts travelled to my parents. Gods, if they only knew what their only daughter was getting herself involved with...

I'm glad they didn't. My father would have a heart-attack and I'm fairly sure my mother would kill Ares herself. That woman wasn't someone to mess with. Damn, I missed them. I can't even imagine what Samaria's parents must feel like today; knowing their daughter was killed yesterday.

I should pay them a visit when all of this is over. I don't know how it would help, but perhaps for closure sake. I don't know. I hadn't come to terms with her death yet myself. I was still expecting her to greet me with that wide smile and mischievous twinkle in her eyes the next time I visit Conrad or Alexus.

But she won't- and I can't wrap my head around it.

I felt the grief though, but not fully. Although, the anger was there, on the surface, waiting for a spark. But all that was left for tonight was to sleep and hope that by the morning, things were somewhat better.

All of a sudden, the door of the bedroom swung open and closed just as quickly.

I didn't bother turning around. No doubt it was Trita or Sonya, hoping I'd come join them for anther nightcap. I sighed and crossed my one foot over the other. "If you're looking for more wine, there's a bottle in the cabinet by the bed."

No answer.

I kept my eyes on the moon, my thoughts not entirely there, in the room. I was somewhere else; thinking about everything and nothing at the same time. Still no answer.

I pursed my lips in annoyance. "Sorry, but I'm not exactly in the mood for company right now."

A foot moved closer and in the back of my mind I felt something creep up. A chill.

"Even for me?"

The breath got caught in my throat.



With a rush of blood and a raging heartbeat, I spun around, my hands at the back, holding the railing. I leaned against it, afraid my eyes were deceiving me. But they couldn't.

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