Chapter 1: Kasey

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"So you going to finally join us tonight Kasey" my best friend Bethany asks. I put the folder into my desk and close the drawer then lock it. I look at her with a straight face. "Please" Bethany begs. "Fine" I give her a small smile. "But no more trying to get me drunk" I add. She claps her hands in happiness. "And no pushing men!" At my comment she frowns, "You need to get laid at some point Kase. Stop being a prude!" I roll my eyes, "I'm perfectly happy with the way I am." I lean back in my chair. "Fine, no men and no getting drunk. Meet me at Plunge at nine tonight" she says as she exits the room. I get back to work on the computer.

"Done socializing?" I look up to see my father standing in the door way with his lips pressed in a straight line. My dad was in his late sixties with grey hair, hazel eyes, and always wearing a black suit. "I haven't had my lunch, so I am pretty sure that I deserve some time to talk to friend" I shoot back at him with a smirk. "Aw, the daughter that always has a come back" he grins and sits in the chair in front of my desk. "What can I do for you" I ask curiously. "What I can't just visit my daughter" he asks. "Not that you can't. You just never have. So like I said before, what can I do for you" I smirk. "Now that is why you are great at closing deals" he says. 

"Dad!" He puts his hands up in surrender, "You need to be at our house tonight for dinner." I raise my eyebrow, "what is the reason for the dinner?" He shrugs, "Why does there have to be a reason for us to have our daughter--." He doesn't finish seeing my glare on my face. "Aw fine! Your mother invited friends over and she wants you to be there" he explains. "What friends" I ask. He sighs, "the Willings." I immediately shake my head, "No. I am not going!" My dad stands up, "Yes, you will. I understand that the last dinner didn't go as well but tonight will be different." I stand up as well the anger taking over. "You announced that I would be in an arranged marriage!"

"Kasey Melanie Jennings you will be at this dinner! No questions asked" my dad demands and then storms from the room."The hell I will" I grumble. I fall back in my chair with my head in my hands.

 The dinner with my parents and the Willings six months ago went horribly. They decided to tell me that they arranged a marriage for me and the Willing's son. Their son didn't even show up due to dinner using the excuse that his job had him 'currently occupied'. When I refused, they just completely ignored me and continued to talk about future plans of the wedding and combining the companies. 

I can only imagine the garbage they are going to try and talk about. For sure I will die if the word wedding comes up again.

After another four hours of finalizing paper work from a deal I closed earlier in the week, I was ready to clock off. I gather my things and head out. On my way out, I notice Bethany has already left. Bethany has been working in the human resources department. We meet our freshman year at college because we were roommates. We were inseparable all four years. Luckily she was able to work her butt off to as work in the company along with me. Bethany has defiently earned her spot in the company. 

Taking the elevator down, I get a few hello's from the employees. Once out I head to the front of the building and head to a parking garage on next to it. I walk to wear I parked my car to see it gone. I groan in annoyance. I pull out my phone and call the head security guard. "Miss Jennings, how may I help you?" I roll my eyes in annoyance, "Carl where the hell is my car?"

"Bethany has it ma'am" he answers. "Bethany? Why the hell does Bethany have my car" I demand. "She said you let her borrow it. Bethany had the car keys" he answers in a monotone voice. "Dammit!" "Mrs. Jennings is something wrong" he asks. "Yes, next time confirm it with me! Please call me a cab out front" I tell him. "Yes ma'am" he then hangs up. 

I walk back out to the front of my company building, Jennings Corp. I pull out my phone and dial Bethany's number. "Yes dear" she answers. "Why" I ask. She chuckles, "Oh come on, I'll give you the keys back at the club." I huff in annoyance, "Dammit Bethany, don't pull this shit again." I hear her sigh, "Fine." I hang up on her as a cab pulls up. I get in and tell the cab driver to go to Rivers St and Connors Ave. 

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