Epilogue: Two Years Later

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"Knight stay down!" Laughing I walk over to Nala and command Knight to sit. Knight sits down with his tail wagging wildly. Every time Jessica's kids come over, he goes nuts. Like he doesn't ever get attention. Which is surprising considering how much Jacob complains how much attention the dog gets. I'm sure he is always joking about it thought. Well maybe.

"So have you told him yet" Jessica says walking up from behind me. I place my hand over my chest in surprise. She gives me a sheepish smile, "Sorry. Nala, why don't you take Benny and Knight outside." Nala agrees, grabbing Benny's hand and then Knights collar they head outside. Luckily I have them over often where Nala has learned to move around on her own.

"So where is Caleb" I ask. "With Ben. Now stop changing the subject" she snaps back. I groan, "No." "No" she raises a brow in question. I shake my head, "No, I haven't." She leads me over to the dinning table that you can see the back yard from. "Kasey, he needs to know. The sooner the better. Remember what I did with Benny" she reminds me. I put my hands up in surrender, "I know. I Know." Jessica relaxes in her seat, "Why are you so against telling him?" "It's not that I am against telling him" I say as I twirl a stand of my hair. She raises her brow. "It feels like we just got settled with our jobs and actually have time to relax. The timing kinda sucks. I just hope Jacob won't be upset" I tell her. 

"Jacob will be so excited! You have seen him with my kids. He is natural with the kids. Bonus the kids love him" she chuckles. "True." "So when are you going to do it" she asks. "Tonight" I say it as more of a question. "Nope. Now" she says standing up. "What?" "Ben join me outside with the kids" Jessica says. My head whips over in the direction she is looking to see Ben holding Caleb and Jacob standing next to him. 

Ben just nods and starts following Jessica, but not before giving me a reassuring smile. 'Of course she told him' I grumble to myself. "Kasey, you okay" Jacob asks sitting down next to me. "Peachy" such a small comment but loaded with so much sarcasm. When he doesn't respond I look at him to see him smirking at me.

"What?" "You always use sarcasm when you have two much going through your head" he comments. Oh, god. I hate how much he knows me. Well I guess hate is a little to strong. "Kasey?" I look at him realizing I have just spaced out on him. "What's going on?"

"There may be something I have to tell you" I say faster then I planned to. "Okay, shoot." "I may be pregnant" I say barely above a whisper. I know he heard me because his body became tense. "May?" I nod nervously. "Well have you seen a doctor-." Before he could finish I cut him off, "I am pregnant." I guess saying I may be pregnant confused him. "Wow" I hear Jacob say under his breath. "Yup."

After moments of silence he turns to fully face me. "That's amazing!" He raps me up in his arms for a hug. "Really?" He puts me at arms length to see my face, "Of course! Don't tell me you where worried about my reaction." I nod, "Maybe." He chuckles, "I couldn't be happier." A smile spreads on my face at seeing how sincere he is. "Thank god." He laughs, "So long til I am a dad officially" he asks. "I'm seventeen weeks, so twenty three weeks" I say softly. Jacob sits in silence then stands up and begins pacing by the table. 

After a minute he stops and turns to me, "how long have you known?" I find it hard to keep eye contact with him ashamed about what I am going to have to say. "Eight weeks." Jacob doesn't respond, but goes back to pacing. "So you know the gender already" he asks. I shake my head no. "Why? Why didn't you want to tell me sooner" he asks while still pacing. "I was scared okay? I know its not a great excuse but I am. I lost my mother in child birth. I had a horrid so called step mother. We just got settled in our jobs were we are able to spend more time together. I felt overwhelmed" I tell him. "I'm sorry" I add. 

He stops pacing, and then walks over to me. He kneels down and cups my cheek with his hand. "Kasey, don't say sorry. Just talk to me. We are in this together and we will get through it together" he pecks my lips. I give him a small smile and nod. "I'm not mad, just sadden by the thought of you not feeling like you could tell me these things" he tells me. "I promise it won't happen again" I say softly as he wraps me in a hug. "I'll hold you to that."

"Hey at least you didn't do what Jessica did" Ben says entering the room. We jump about surprised at his presence. "Hey! It was a different situation completely! Well accept the baby part" Jessica says storming in with Caleb on her hip. "Mmhmm" Ben says. Jessica just rolls her eyes. "So what did you think of the ultrasound" Jessica asks. 

I shoot daggers at her. "Oops. Ben it's time to go" Jessica says then goes back outside to gather the kids. "That women is going to kill me. So hangs around Rachael and Belle to much" Ben grumbles. I laugh at his comments as he disappears outside. "We will go through the gate" Ben adds. 

"You had an ultrasound" Jacob asks. "Umm yeah, when I first went to the doctor they did one" I tell him. I stand up and walk over to my purse and pull out an envelope. I hand it to him. He opens it and pulls out four different ultrasound photos. "That's our baby" he states as he stares at it. "It is. Our baby" I confirm. "When will you find out the gender" he asks still looking at the photo. "We will find out in a week" I tell him. He looks at me with a brow raised. "Since your the boss, I figured you'd be able to skip work and go to the appointment with me" I explain to him. "Of course" He says then kisses me. 

"I think its a girl" he says putting the ultrasounds back in the envelope. "Nope. A boy" I tell him. "I guess we will know who is right in a week" Jacob chuckles. "Yes, we will!"

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